Author:Ainaud de Lasarte, Joan Publisher:Aymà City:Barcelona Year1949 Document type: Essays and studies Subject:Art (general) Library: Fundació Amatller Abstract: Seventh volume of the Guió d'Or, historical and literary collection of the Aymà publishing house. Monograph on the Order of chivalry of the Golden Fleece written by Ainaud de Lasarte in 1949. With prints. Id: 1614
Author:Ainaud de Lasarte, Joan
; Duran i Sanpere, Agustí Year1969 Document type: Conferences Subject:Painting Library: Col·lecció particular Abstract: Speech read by Joan Ainaud de Lasarte on the occasion of his admission to the Reial Acadèmia de Bones Lletres in Barcelona on 18 May 1969. The essay deals with the 13th century murals on the Montcada Street in Barcelona. The text includes the response speech of Agustí Duran Sanpere. Id: 660