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Document that consists of a compilation of books, pamphlets, drawings, prints or photographs, arranged in folders or bound like a book. During the 19th century it was usual to call Album to documents which at present are classified into different groups, such as exhibition catalogues.


Art exhibition catalogues made by public and private institutions. These documents include a list with the artists and the works, and sometimes the name of the owners. They are usually presented in two formats: the first ones are illustrated with photographic reproductions and prints of the works on display; the second ones are inventory catalogues with a single list ordered by: works, artists, painting, sculpture, owners, exhibitors ...
This typology also includes the albums, which today are considered catalogues, such as brochures of institutions, or printed catalogues of private collections.


Documents which present public lectures on art and other specific issues such as artists, their works and exhibitions.


Reference book providing art terms and biographical information on Hispanic artists.

Documentary sources

Primary source documents consisting of written texts (manuscripts and archival documents), usually unpublished, which are of interest for art history.



Reference book which provides all the knowledge on Art History, classified by subject and written by a specialist.

Essays and studies

Written works dealing with one or several subjects, either technically or theoretically, but unlike treatises, with no educational aims and without being systematic.


Guides and Travel guides

Books which contain useful information to visit a city, its historical monuments, etc. Also included here is travel literature (travelogues).


Periodicals on a wide range of arts subjects. The BDHAH contains the major journals published between late 19th century and early 20th century.

Legal Documentation

Documents that consist of regulations and rules on art, which were issued by the Spanish Kings Carlos III, Carlos IV and Fernando VII. Among them there are royal decrees, royal orders, ordinances, etc.

Studies on artists

Monographs on particular artists dealing with the life and work of sculptors, painters, architects... from a historical and academic perspective.

Studies on buildings

Architectural monographs on specific buildings. These collections include those made by the Catalonian Association of Architects.


Written works dealing systematically with a wide range of arts subjects: architecture, sculpture, painting, art history and teaching of art disciplines. Treatises are more concerned with theoretical knowledge and are written by professionals with educational aims.


Images for this page:

Album: Álbum fotográfico de los monumentos y edificios más notables que existen en Barcelona (1872)
Catalogs: Álbum heliográfico de la exposición de artes suntuarias (1878)
Conferences: Memoria leída en la Academia de ciencias naturales y artes en la sesión celebrada el 21 de junio de 1877
Encyclopedia: Historia general del arte
Treatises: Millizia, Milizia, Francesco. Arte de saber ver en las bellas artes ( 1823)
Studies on artists: Recuerdo al artista Tomás Padró (1877)
Studies on buildings: Bonaventura Bassegoda. La Real capilla de Santa Agueda del palacio de los reyes de Aragón, en Barcelona, Barcelona Tipografia de C. de F. Giró, 1895
Journals: Por el arte: gaceta de la Asociación de pintores y escultores




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