Records: 3
Author: Cascales Muñoz, José (1865-1933) Publisher: Librería de Fernando Fé City: Madrid Year 1911 Document type: Studies on artists Subject: Painting Library: Biblioteca Nacional de España Abstract: Study on the life and work of the painter, with illustrations. It ends with five appendices which include contracts, appraisals, letters, agreements ... Id: 990
Author: Cascales Muñoz, José (1865-1933) Publisher: Imp. de la Viuda de P. Pérez City: Madrid Year 1921 Document type: Guides and Travel guides Subject: Art (general) Library: Biblioteca Nacional de España Abstract: Illustrated guide divided into chapters with different excursions through Andalusia. Id: 989
Author: Cascales Muñoz, José (1865-1933) Publisher: Imp., Fot. y Enc. del Colegio de Huérfanos de María Cristina City: Toledo Year 1929 Document type: Essays and studies Subject: Art (general) Library: Biblioteca Nacional de España Abstract: Two-volume work on painting, sculpture and ceramics made in Seville. There is an index of authors for each discipline. Illustrated with 80 images of artistic pieces. Id: 823
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