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Search > Author: Cedillo, Jerónimo López de Ayala y Álvarez de Toledo, Conde de (1862-1934)
  Toledo : Guía artístico-práctica


Author:  Cedillo, Jerónimo López de Ayala y Álvarez de Toledo, Conde de (1862-1934) ; Laurent, J. (1816-1886)
Publisher: Menor y Hermanos
City: Toledo
Year 1890
Document type:  Guides and Travel guides
Subject: Art (general)
Library: Museo Sefardí
Abstract: Guide to Toledo, written in French and Spanish, organized in eight tours.
Id: 1384



  De la religiosidad y del misticismo en las obras del Greco


Author:  Cedillo, Jerónimo López de Ayala y Álvarez de Toledo, Conde de (1862-1934)
Publisher: Imp. de Fortanet
City: Madrid
Year 1915
Document type:  Conferences
Subject: Painting
Library: Biblioteca Nacional de España
Abstract: Speech read in Toledo on 6 April 1914 to commemorate the third centenary of the death of El Greco.
Id: 998



  Una excursión a San Martín de Elines


Author:  Cedillo, Jerónimo López de Ayala y Álvarez de Toledo, Conde de (1862-1934)
Publisher: Fototipia de Hauser y Menet
City: Madrid
Year 1925
Document type:  Guides and Travel guides
Subject: Architecture
Library: Biblioteca Nacional de España
Abstract: Guide to the excursion and the monument of San Martin de Elines, with images.
Id: 997



  Un monumento desconocido: Santa María de Melque (Provincia de Toledo)


Author:  Cedillo, Jerónimo López de Ayala y Álvarez de Toledo, Conde de (1862-1934)
Publisher: Imp. Ibérica
City: Madrid
Year 1907
Document type:  Studies on buildings
Subject: Architecture
Library: Biblioteca Nacional de España
Abstract: Study on the hermitage of Sant Maria de Melque, dealing with historical news and a description, accompanied by plans and photographs.
Id: 996





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