Records: 3
Author: Cossío, Manuel B. (1857-1935) Publisher: Victoriano Suárez City: Madrid Year 1908 Document type: Studies on artists Subject: Painting Library: Biblioteca Nacional de España Abstract: Two-volume work on El Greco and all his work, accompanied by 145 prints. Id: 1005
Author: Cossío, Manuel B. (1857-1935) Publisher: Hijos de J. Thomas City: Barcelona Year 1920 Document type: Essays and studies Subject: Painting Library: Biblioteca Nacional de España Abstract: Book of the National Tourism Board with prologue by M.B. Cossío, written in English, French and Spanish. There are 48 images of works by the painter. Id: 919
Author: Cossío, Manuel B. (1857-1935) ; España - Comisaría Regia del Turismo Publisher: V. Rico City: Madrid Year 1921 Document type: Guides and Travel guides Subject: Art (general) Library: Biblioteca Nacional de España Abstract: Tourist guide in French. Id: 910
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