Records: 2
Author: Lasso de la Vega y López de Tejada, Miguel Publisher: Imprenta y editorial Maestre City: Madrid Year 1948 Document type: Studies on artists Subject: Biographies of artists Library: Biblioteca Digital de Castilla y León Abstract: Study on the artists of Soria of the 16th and 17th centuries written by the Marquis of Saltillo in 1948. It contains prints and an index of authors. Id: 1548
Author: Lasso de la Vega y López de Tejada, Miguel ; Muñoz Torrado, Antonio City: Sevilla Year 1922 Document type: Conferences Subject: Heraldry Library: Col·lecció particular Abstract: Speech read by the Marquis of Saltillo on the occasion of his admission to the Real Academia Sevillana de Buenas Letras in 1922. The study deals with houses and heraldry in Seville. The text includes the response speech of the academic Antonio Muñoz Torrado. Id: 663
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