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Search > Author: Laurent, J. (1816-1886)
  Toledo : Guía artístico-práctica


Author:  Cedillo, Jerónimo López de Ayala y Álvarez de Toledo, Conde de (1862-1934) ; Laurent, J. (1816-1886)
Publisher: Menor y Hermanos
City: Toledo
Year 1890
Document type:  Guides and Travel guides
Subject: Art (general)
Library: Museo Sefardí
Abstract: Guide to Toledo, written in French and Spanish, organized in eight tours.
Id: 1384



  Álbum propiedad de Narciso Hergueta de 1874 : Colección fotográfica, copias de los principales cuadros religiosos y profanos del Museo de Madrid, constumbres, marinas, personages [sic], varias vistas de España y Buenos Aires


Author:  Hergueta y Martín, Narciso (1846-1907) ; Laurent, J. (1816-1886)
City: Madrid
Year 1874
Document type:  Album
Subject: Art (general)
Library: Biblioteca Nacional de España
Abstract: Album with 581 photos by anonymous photographers and some by J. Laurent. There are images of works of art from museums in Madrid and portraits, as well as views of architectures and cities of Spain, Argentina and Austria.
Id: 827





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