Records: 2
Author: Martínez Aloy, José (1855-1924) Publisher: Editorial Valenciana City: València Year 1920 Document type: Studies on buildings Subject: Architecture Library: Biblioteca Nacional de España Abstract: History and description of the Palau de la Generalitat in Valencia, a translation into Valencian of the work of the same author 'La Casa de la Diputación'. Id: 1082
Author: Martínez Aloy, José (1855-1924) ; Valencia (Provincia) - Diputación Provincial Publisher: Estab. Tip. Doménech City: València Year 1900-1910 Document type: Studies on buildings Subject: Architecture Library: Biblioteca Nacional de España Abstract: History and description of the Palau de la Generalitat Valenciana. With prints. Id: 1081
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