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Search > Author: Milizia, Francesco, 1725-1798
  Arte de ver en las bellas artes del diseño, segun los principios de Sulzer y de Mengs. Traducido al castellano con notas e ilustraciones por D. Juan Agustin Cean-Bermudez


Author:  Milizia, Francesco, 1725-1798
Publisher: Imprenta Real
City: Madrid
Year 1827
Document type:  Treatises
Subject: Art (general)
Library: University of California
Abstract: Treatise on how to view and interpret the art according to the principles of J. G. Sulzer (1720-1779) and Anton Raphael Mengs (1728-1779), written by Italian Francesco Milizia and translated into Spanish by Agustín Ceán Bermúdez (1749-1829). Published in Madrid in 1827. Dealing with sculpture, painting, architecture and engraving. Also includes indexes of artists, subjects and technical terms of these art subjects.
Id: 419



  Arte de saber ver en las bellas artes del diseño


Author:  Milizia, Francesco, 1725-1798
Publisher: Garriga y Aguasvivas (Impremta)
City: Barcelona
Year 1823
Document type:  Treatises
Subject: Art (general)
Library: Ateneu Barcelonès
Abstract: Treatise on Fine Arts, the first translation into Spanish of the work by Francesco Milizia (1725-1798) Dell'Arte di vedere nelle belle arti, Venice 1781. Published by Pedro Serra y Bosch and printed in Barcelona by Impr. Garriga and Aguasvivas in 1823, edition dedicated to the patron of the arts Juan Bautista Erro. Milizia's text is complemented by Tratado de las sombras, y otro de los casetones en todo género de arcos y bóvedas written by Antonio Ginessi, illustrated with six intaglio prints.
The book contains a lithograph by Louis Vuillaume made at the Establecimiento litográfico de la Vda. e Hijos de D. Antonio Brusi. The six chalcographic prints were made by the disciples of Serra y Bosch, Juan Merlo and Antonio Sancho, and were engraved by Domenec Estruc Jordan.
Id: 51





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