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Search > Author: Monsalvatje y Fossas, Francisco
  El Obispado de Elna


Author:  Monsalvatje y Fossas, Francisco
Publisher: Impr. y Libr. de J. Bonet
City: Olot
Year 1911-1915
Document type:  Essays and studies
Subject: Ecclesiastic heritage
Library: Biblioteca Virtual del Patrimonio Bibliográfico
Abstract: Study on the history and church of Elna located in Roussillon. It consists of 4 volumes and it was written by the Catalan historian Francesc Montsalvatje between 1911 and 1915 within the series Noticias históricas.
Id: 1557



  Nomenclator histórico de las iglesias parroquiales y rurales, santuarios y capillas de la provincia de Gerona


Author:  Monsalvatje y Fossas, Francisco
Publisher: Impr. y Libr. de J. Bonet
City: Olot
Year 1908
Document type:  Documentary sources
Subject: Ecclesiastic heritage
Library: Biblioteca Virtual del Patrimonio Bibliográfico
Abstract: Catalogue of the ecclesiastical heritage of the province of Girona written by the Catalan historian Francesc Montsalvatje in 1908 within the series Noticias históricas. With prints.
Id: 1556



  Los Monasterios de la diócesis gerundense rectificación á los abaciologios publicados por el P. Jaime Villanueva en su "Viaje literario á las iglesias de España"


Author:  Monsalvatje y Fossas, Francisco
Publisher: Impr. y Libr. de J. Bonet
City: Olot
Year 1904
Document type:  Essays and studies
Subject: Ecclesiastic heritage
Library: Biblioteca Virtual del Patrimonio Bibliográfico
Abstract: Study on the monasteries of the diocese of Girona written by the historian Francesc Montsalvatje in 1904 within the series Noticias históricas.
Id: 1555



  Colección diplomática del Condado de Besalú


Author:  Monsalvatje y Fossas, Francisco
Publisher: Impr. y Libr. de J. Bonet
City: Olot
Year 1901
Document type:  Essays and studies
Subject: Art (general)
Library: Biblioteca Virtual del Patrimonio Bibliográfico
Abstract: Collection of diplomatic documents on the county of Besalú written by the Catalan historian Francesc Montsalvatje in 1901. It consists of 5 volumes within the series Noticias históricas.
Id: 1554



  El Monasterio de San Pedro de Casserras


Author:  Monsalvatje y Fossas, Francisco
Publisher: Impr. y Libr. de J. Bonet
City: Olot
Year 1910
Document type:  Studies on buildings
Subject: Ecclesiastic heritage
Library: Biblioteca Virtual del Patrimonio Bibliográfico
Abstract: Study about the Benedictine monastery of Sant Pere de Casserres situated at the Masies de Roda, written by the Catalan historian Francesc Montsalvatge. It will be published in 1910 within the series Noticias históricas.
Id: 1552



  Geografía histórica del condado de Besalú


Author:  Monsalvatje y Fossas, Francisco
Publisher: Impr. y Libr. de J. Bonet
City: Olot
Year 1899
Document type:  Essays and studies
Subject: Art (general)
Library: Biblioteca Virtual del Patrimonio Bibliográfico
Abstract: Study on the county of Besalú written by the Catalan historian Francesc Montsalvatge. It was published in 1899 within the series Noticias históricas.
Id: 1551



  Monasterio de S. Martín de Canigó


Author:  Monsalvatje y Fossas, Francisco
Publisher: Impr. y Libr. de J. Bonet
City: Olot
Year 1899
Document type:  Studies on buildings
Subject: Ecclesiastic heritage
Library: Biblioteca Virtual del Patrimonio Bibliográfico
Abstract: Study on the monastery of Sant Martí del Canigó written by the Catalan historian Francesc Montsalvatge, which deals with the history and the monastery of this abbey. It was published in 1899 within the series Noticias históricas.
Id: 1550



  Monasterios del antiguo condado de Besalú


Author:  Monsalvatje y Fossas, Francisco
Publisher: Impr. y Libr. de J. Bonet
City: Olot
Year 1895
Document type:  Essays and studies
Subject: Religious art
Library: Biblioteca Virtual del Patrimonio Bibliográfico
Abstract: Study on the monasteries of the old county of Besalú written by the Catalan historian Francesc Montsalvatge. It was published in 1895 within the series Noticias históricas.
Id: 1543


  El Vizcondado de Bas


Author:  Monsalvatje y Fossas, Francisco
Publisher: Impr. y Libr. de J. Bonet
City: Olot
Year 1893
Document type:  Essays and studies
Subject: Art (general)
Library: Biblioteca Virtual del Patrimonio Bibliográfico
Abstract: Study on the Viscounty of Bas written by the Catalan historian Francesc Montsalvatge, which deals with the history of this authority in the county of Besalú during the Middle Ages. It was published in 1893 within the series Noticias históricas.
Id: 1542


  Ridaura y su monasterio de Santa María


Author:  Monsalvatje y Fossas, Francisco
Publisher: Impr. y Libr. de J. Bonet
City: Olot
Year 1892
Document type:  Essays and studies
Subject: Art (general)
Library: Biblioteca Virtual del Patrimonio Bibliográfico
Abstract: Study on Ridaura written by the Catalan historian Francesc Montsalvatge, which deals with the history and the monastery of this town. It was published in 1892 within the series Noticias históricas.
Id: 1541


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