Records: 4
Author: Real Academia de Nobles Artes de San Fernando Year 1836? Document type: Essays and studies Subject: Religious art Library: Biblioteca de la Universidad de Sevilla Abstract: Letter from the academy probably addressed to Queen Isabel II about the measures taken to preserve religious art in the time following the Spanish Confiscation. Id: 1444
Author: Huet, José María ; Real Academia de Nobles Artes de San Fernando Publisher: Imprenta del Colegio Nacional de Sordomudos y de Ciegos City: Sevilla Year 1866 Document type: Conferences Subject: Painting Library: Biblioteca de Andalucía Abstract: Speech on the Sevillian school of painting and the answer of Pedro de Madrazo. Id: 1254
Author: Amador de los Ríos Serrano, José, 1816-1878 ; Real Academia de Nobles Artes de San Fernando Publisher: José Gil Dorregara / Imprenta de T. Fortanet City: Madrid Year 1877 Document type: Essays and studies Subject: Archaeology Library: Biblioteca Nacional de España Abstract: Study on the Roman mosaic of Galatea, the location of the site... With color illustrations. Book published in Spanish and French. Id: 925
Author: Real Academia de Nobles Artes de San Fernando Publisher: Imprenta y fundición de Manuel Tello City: Madrid Year 1872 Document type: Conferences Subject: Art (general) Library: Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya. Biblioteca Abstract: Speeches presented at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando in the public events of the institution, such as the possession of seats, openings of the academic years and award ceremonies. Each speech is digitized along with the corresponding reasoned response. Id: 301
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