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Search > Author: Romero de Torres, Enrique
  Catálogo ilustrado de la exposición de Valdés Leal : celebrada por el Excmo. Ayuntamiento de Córdoba en la feria de Ntra. Sra. de la Salud y organizada por D. Enrique Romero de Torres


Author:  Romero de Torres, Enrique
Publisher: Estab. Gráf. Thomas
City: Barcelona
Year 1916
Document type:  Catalogs
Subject: Painting
Library: Col·lecció particular
Abstract: Illustrated catalogue of the exhibition of Juan de Valdés Leal organized in 1916 by Enrique Romero de Torres, director of the Museum of Fine Arts of Córdoba. In the exhibition there were 48 works of the Baroque painter and it was a homage paid by the city of Córdoba to the artist.
Id: 1606





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