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  Estudios sobre la enseñanza del dibujo artístico


Author:  López Redondo, Carlos
Publisher: Talleres Tip. de Isidro García Sempere
City: Almería
Year 1915
Document type:  Essays and studies
Subject: Drawing
Library: Biblioteca de Andalucía
Abstract: Book on the teaching of artistic drawing with the sections: teaching concept, procedures, language of graphic art, its forms, limits of orientation, sensitivity of observation, color, aesthetic sensitivity and conclusions.
Id: 1258



  Geometría descriptiva : aplicaciones a la construcción de las sombras y al dibujo de los cuerpos


Author:  Cabanyes, Joaquín de
Publisher: Imprenta de Luis Tasso
City: Barcelona
Year 1880
Document type:  Treatises
Subject: Drawing
Library: Biblioteca de Andalucía
Abstract: Treatise on descriptive geometry divided into two chapters, the first on shadows and their graphic construction and the second on the drawing of bodies.
Id: 1257



  Tratado de dibujo con aplicación a las artes y a la industria. Tomo III


Author:  Borrell y Folch, Mariano, 1828-1896
Publisher: Lib. de San Martín
City: Madrid
Year 1875-1878
Document type:  Treatises
Subject: Drawing
Library: Biblioteca de Andalucía
Abstract: Third volume of the treatise formed by the notebooks: number 14: Chinese, Japanese, Mexican and Peruvian styles; number 15: Renaissance style; number 16: Styles of architecture in the 17th and 18th centuries; number 17: Sculpture, Painting, Engraving and Industrial Arts in the 17th and 18th centuries.
Id: 1256



  Manifiesto que hace la Real Escuela de Bellas Artes de esta ciudad á los profesores de pintura, escultura, arquitectura y grabado


Author:  Real Academia de Bellas Artes de Cádiz
Publisher: Casa de Misericordia
City: Cadiz
Year 1807
Document type:  Documentary sources
Subject: Academies
Library: Biblioteca de Andalucía
Abstract: Academy manifesto for teachers of artistic disciplines recommending to be trained on reading classical and modern authors.
Id: 1255



  Discursos leídos ante la Real Academia de Nobles Artes de San Fernando, en la recepción pública del Excmo. Sr. D. José María Huet, leído en Junta Pública de 6 de mayo de 1866


Author:  Huet, José María ; Real Academia de Nobles Artes de San Fernando
Publisher: Imprenta del Colegio Nacional de Sordomudos y de Ciegos
City: Sevilla
Year 1866
Document type:  Conferences
Subject: Painting
Library: Biblioteca de Andalucía
Abstract: Speech on the Sevillian school of painting and the answer of Pedro de Madrazo.
Id: 1254



  Elementos de dibujo lineal ó delineación : para el uso de las escuelas del Reino, de las clases...


Author:  Peyronnet, Juan Bautista, 1812- ; Vallejo y Ortega, José Mariano, 1779-1846
Publisher: Imprenta Garrasayaza
City: Madrid
Year 1837
Document type:  Treatises
Subject: Drawing
Library: Biblioteca de Andalucía
Abstract: Manual for drawing to be used in schools and universities, as well as for artists, craftsmen, manufacturers, etc.
Id: 1253



  Rock paintings of southern Andalusia : a description of a neolithic and copper age art group


Author:  Breuil, Henri, 1877-1961 ; Burkitt, Miles Crawford, 1890-1971; Montagu-Pollock, Montagu , Sir, bart., 1864-
Publisher: The Clarendon press
City: Oxford
Year 1924
Document type:  Essays and studies
Subject: Prehistoric Art
Library: Biblioteca de Andalucía
Abstract: Study on cave paintings of southern Andalusia, written in English with prints.
Id: 1252



  Glorias de Sevilla : en armas, letras, ciencias, artes, tradiciones, monumentos, edificios, caracteres, costumbres, estilos, fiestas y espectaculos


Author:  Álvarez Miranda, Vicente, 1817-1858 ; Adame y Muñoz, Serafín, 1828-1875
Publisher: Carlos Santigosa
City: Sevilla
Year 1849
Document type:  Catalogs
Subject: Art (general)
Library: Biblioteca de Andalucía
Abstract: Book on Seville with information on monuments and art, with prints.
Id: 1251



  Catálogo del Museo de Reproducciones Artísticas


Author:  Museo Nacional de Reproducciones Artísticas (España)
City: Madrid
Year 1908-1915
Document type:  Catalogs
Subject: Antiques (Ancient Objects)
Library: Biblioteca de Andalucía
Abstract: Catalogue of the museum divided into two parts, the first dedicated to Oriental and Greek art and the second to classical antiquity. With bibliography and an alphabetical index of subjects and prints.
Id: 1250



  Historia del arte


Author:  Valladar, Francisco de Paula (1852-1924)
Publisher: Librería de Antonio J. Bastinos
City: Barcelona
Year 1894-1896
Document type:  Treatises
Subject: Art (general)
Library: Biblioteca de Andalucía
Abstract: Handbook on art history from protohistory to the modern age, with chapters on America, oriental art and restoration.
Id: 1249



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