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Search > Library: Biblioteca de Aragón
  Aragón : geografía, historia, arte


Author:  Arco y Garay, Ricardo del, 1888-1955
Publisher: Vicente Campo y Compañia
City: Huesca
Year 1931
Document type:  Essays and studies
Subject: Art (general)
Library: Biblioteca del Instituto de Estudios Altoaragoneses
Abstract: Study on Aragon and its geography, history, etc. with bibliography.
Id: 1260



  El castillo real de Loarre


Author:  Arco y Garay, Ricardo del, 1888-1955
Publisher: Librería General de Justo Martínez
City: Madrid
Year 1917
Document type:  Studies on buildings
Subject: Architecture
Library: Biblioteca del Instituto de Estudios Altoaragoneses
Abstract: A descriptive and historical study of the castle with an appendix of unpublished documents, with engravings.
Id: 1259



  [Primer centenario de los Sitios de Zaragoza de 1808-1809] : Exposición retrospectiva de arte: 1908 / organizada... (1910)


Author:  Exposición Retrospectiva de Arte
City: Zaragoza
Year 1908
Document type:  Catalogs
Subject: Art (general)
Library: Biblioteca de Aragón. Instituto Bibliográfico Aragonés
Abstract: Exhibition catalog divided into the following sections: painting, miniature, upholstery, sacred ornaments, sculpture, ivory, civil and religious goldsmithing and enamels. It contains 115 images.
Id: 804


  Grabados de Goya


Author:  Sánchez Rivero, Ángel
Publisher: Editorial Saturnino Calleja
City: Madrid
Year 1920
Document type:  Studies on artists
Subject: Engraving
Library: Biblioteca de Aragón
Abstract: Study on Goya as engraver, dealing with a general chapter on the artist, the different series of engravings and a chapter on preparatory drawings.
Id: 803

Grabados de Goya




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