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  El museo pictorico y escala optica. Tomo segundo, Practica de la pintura, en que se trata de el modo de pintar à el olio, temple y fresco...


Author:  Palomino de Castro y Velasco, Antonio, 1655-1726
Publisher: Viuda de Juan Garcia Infançon ; Francisco Laso
City: Madrid
Year 1724
Document type:  Treatises
Subject: Painting
Library: Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Abstract: Treatise on painting written by Antonio Palomino and published in Madrid in 1724. Illustrated with intaglio prints, some of them folded: "Js. ã Palomº sculpsit".
Id: 432



  El museo pictorico y escala optica : tomo I : theorica de la pintura en que se describe su origen ... y se aprueban con demonstraciomes mathematicas y filosoficas, sus mas radicales fundamentos


Author:  Palomino de Castro y Velasco, Antonio, 1655-1726
Publisher: Lucas Antonio de Bedmar ; Joseph de Villar y Villanueva
City: Madrid
Year 1715
Document type:  Treatises
Subject: Painting
Library: Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Abstract: Treatise on painting written by Antonio Palomino dealing with the origin and definition of art. Published in Madrid in 1715 and decorated with an intaglio frontispiece "Palom. inv. Rovira sculp. Valentia 1715".
Id: 431



  Real Cedula de S.M. y Señores del Consejo, por la cual se renuevan las Reales resoluciones acerca de la aprobacion de arquitectos y maestros de obras, lo que debe preceder indispensablemente á su execucion


Publisher: Imprenta Real
City: Madrid
Year 1814
Document type:  Legal Documentation
Subject: Architecture
Library: Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Abstract: Royal Decree by Fernando VII on 2 October 1814 which dealt with the appointment of architects.
Id: 417


  Real Provision de los Señores del Consejo, por la qual se manda guardar lo dispuesto en las Reales Ordenes que se refieren sobre los requisitos que han de concurrir en los arquitectos y maestros de obras...


Publisher: Imprenta Real
City: Madrid
Year 1801
Document type:  Legal Documentation
Subject: Architecture
Library: Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Abstract: Rgulatory requirements for architects in public works notified by the king Carlos IV in 1801.
Id: 416


  Diálogos sobre las artes del diseño


Author:  Bottari, Giovanni Gaetano, 1689-1775
Publisher: Gómez Fuentenebro y Compañía
City: Madrid
Year 1804
Document type:  Treatises
Subject: Art (general)
Library: Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Abstract: Treatise on art criticism written by the Italian Giovanni Gaetano Bottari, translated into Spanish by Jose Ortiz and published in Madrid in 1804.
Id: 414



  Viage artístico á varios pueblos de España. T. I, Viage á Segovia, Valladolid y Búrgos : con el juicio de las obras de las tres nobles artes que en ellos existen y épocas á que pertenecen ...


Author:  Bosarte, Isidoro
Publisher: Imprenta Real
City: Madrid
Year 1804
Document type:  Guides and Travel guides
Subject: Art (general)
Library: Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Abstract: Study of the artistic treasures of Segovia, Valladolid and Burgos. Published in Madrid in 1804, only the first volume was published.
Id: 408



  Exposición de la Heráldica en el arte : catálogo-guía


Publisher: Sociedad Española de Amigos del Arte
City: Madrid
Year 1945
Document type:  Catalogs
Subject: Heraldry
Library: Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Abstract: Catalogue of the Exhibition of Heraldry in Art organized by the ‘Sociedad Española de Amigos del Arte' in 1945. Small guide catalogue without illustrations offered to visitors of the exhibition. There is an introductory text written by the president of the organizing committee, Miguel Lasso de la Vega, Marquis of Saltillo, preceding the list of information sheets with the name of the owner or exhibitor.
Id: 377



  Exposición de acuarelas y aguadas españolas : catálogo-guía


Publisher: Sociedad Española de Amigos del Arte
City: Madrid
Year 1946
Document type:  Catalogs
Subject: Painting
Library: Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Abstract: Catalogue of the 'Exhibition of Spanish Watercolors and Gouaches' organised by the 'Sociedad Española de Amigos del Arte' in 1946. Small guide catalogue without illustrations, offered to visitors of the exhibition. The introductory text written by Julio Cavestany de Anduaga, Marquis of Moret (1883-1965), precedes the list of the exhibits with the name of the exhibitor or owner.
Id: 376



  Exposición de alfombras antiguas españolas : Madrid, mayo-junio 1933


Publisher: Sociedad Española de Amigos del Arte
City: Madrid
Year 1933
Document type:  Catalogs
Subject: Decorative arts
Library: Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Abstract: Illustrated catalogue of the 'Exhibition of Spanish antique rugs' organized by the ‘Sociedad Española de Amigos del Arte' in 1933. General catalogue in short run printing, distributed among the people who gave their items for the annual exhibitions. These catalogues could also be available in some bookstores and at the society headquarters. The exhibition exhibited items from medieval times until the 19th century.The introductory study was written by José Ferrandis Torres and precedes the list of information sheets with the name of the owner or exhibitor, following the photos and the location.
Id: 372



  Arte español : revista de la Sociedad de Amigos del Arte


Publisher: Sociedad Española de Amigos del Arte
City: Madrid
Year 1912-1931
Document type:  Journals
Subject: Art (general)
Library: Universidad Complutense de Madrid / UAB
Abstract: Quarterly magazine published from 1912 to 1969 by the 'Sociedad Española de Amigos del Arte'. It was released every four months in the third period, starting from 1942. The title transitioned to Revista Española de Arte between 1932 and 1936.
Arte Español-Revista Española de Arte encompassed studies on various subjects such as painting, sculpture, ceramics, architecture, minor arts, jewellery, alongside art news, collectors' information, and more.
Id: 120



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