Records: 48
Author: Rodríguez, Bernardo Publisher: Ortega, Alejandro,de Year 1736? Document type: Essays and studies Subject: Architecture Library: Biblioteca de la Universidad de Sevilla Abstract: Description of the elements of ephemeral architecture built in various places in the city of Granada during the Corpus Christi festivities of 1736. Id: 1420
Author: Pérez Fernández, Ricardo City: Madrid Year 1941 Document type: Conferences Subject: Architecture Library: Biblioteca de la Universidad de Sevilla Abstract: Lecture on the Renaissance in Spain and Salamanca. Issue III of the Quaderni dell 'Istituto Italiano di Cultura in Ispagna. Id: 1419
Author: Vázquez, José Andrés, 1884-1960 Publisher: Comisaría Regia del Turismo y Cultura Artística City: Madrid Year 1920 Document type: Essays and studies Subject: Biographies of artists Library: Biblioteca de la Universidad de Sevilla Abstract: Study on the Santa Cruz quarter with a map and photographs. Id: 1418
Author: Guichot y Sierra, Alejandro, 1859-1941 Publisher: Imprenta de Álvarez y Rodríguez City: Sevilla Year 1928 Document type: Essays and studies Subject: Architecture Library: Biblioteca de la Universidad de Sevilla Abstract: Study on architecture in Seville and its evolution from the 16th century, with Diego de Riaño, to the 20th century with the architect Anibal González. Id: 1417
Author: Pacheco, Francisco, 1564-1644 Publisher: Pescioni, Andrea ; León, Juan de City: Sevilla Year 1585 Document type: Treatises Subject: Art (general) Library: Biblioteca de la Universidad de Sevilla Abstract: Treatise on geometry applied to sculpture and architecture. Id: 1416
Author: Liceo Artísitico y Literario de Sevilla Publisher: Imprenta de J.H. Dávila y Compañia City: Sevilla Year 1839 Document type: Documentary sources Subject: Art (general) Library: Biblioteca de la Universidad de Sevilla Abstract: Constitutions of the Liceo Artístico y Literario of Seville. Id: 1415
Author: Castellanos de Losada, Basilio Sebastián, 1807-1891 Publisher: Imprenta de Vicente de Lalama City: Madrid Year 1845 Document type: Treatises Subject: Archaeology Library: Biblioteca de la Universidad de Sevilla Abstract: Treatise on artistic and monumental architecture. Id: 1414
Author: Exposición Mariana (1929. Sevilla) Publisher: Lit. Tip. Gómez Hnos. City: Sevilla Year 1929 Document type: Catalogs Subject: Religious art Library: Biblioteca de la Universidad de Sevilla Abstract: Exhibition catalogue on paintings and sculptures of the Virgin Mary, with illustrations. Id: 1413
Author: Gestoso y Pérez, José, 1852-1917 Publisher: Tip. de la Región City: Sevilla Year 1896 Document type: Catalogs Subject: Painting Library: Biblioteca de la Universidad de Sevilla Abstract: Catalogue with basic information and descriptions of the paintings. Id: 1412
Author: Lorenzo de San Nicolás (O.A.R.) ; Congreso Nacional de Historia de la Construcción (4.2005. Cadiz) City: Cadiz Year 1663 Document type: Treatises Subject: Architecture Library: Biblioteca de la Universidad de Sevilla Abstract: Second part of a general treatise on architecture. Id: 1411
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