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Search > Year: 1889
  Catálogo de los cuadros del Museo del Prado de Madrid


Author:  Madrazo y Künzt, Pedro de, 1816-1898
Publisher: Librería de la viuda de Hernando y Cª.
City: Madrid
Year 1889
Document type:  Catalogs
Subject: Painting
Library: Museo del Prado
Abstract: Catalog of the paintings from the Italian, Spanish, Germanic and French School in the Prado Museum in 1889, in which it stands out the origin of the collections (the palaces of Madrid, the Royal Places and the Trinidad Museum). It includes an artist index.
Id: 526


  Conferencias públicas relativas a la Exposición Universal de Barcelona


Publisher: Tipo-Litografía de Busquets y Vidal
City: Barcelona
Year 1889
Document type:  Conferences
Subject: Art (general)
Library: Ateneu Barcelonès
Abstract: Lectures presented at the Ateneu Barcelonès, from 1889 onwards, following the conclusion of the 1888 Barcelona Universal Exposition. In total, 26 lectures covered various aspects linked to society, commerce, art, economy, industry, and agriculture. Only the lectures focusing on art—including archaeology, painting, sculpture, and bibliophile studies—have been digitised. This digital collection comprises the inaugural lecture and the review of the exhibition.
Id: 52



  Notes arquitectòniques sobre les esglésies de Sant Pere de Terrassa


Author:  Puig i Cadafalch, Josep, 1867-1956
Publisher: Reinaxença, La (Impremta)
City: Barcelona
Year 1889
Document type:  Treatises
Subject: Architecture
Library: Biblioteca de Catalunya
Abstract: Monograph on the Churches of Sant Pere of Terrassa: A descriptive treatise that won the prize of the Catalan Association for Scientific Excursions in 1889.
Id: 47



  La Catedral de Gerona : apuntes para una monografía de este monumento


Author:  Bassegoda i Amigó, Joaquim, 1854-1938
Publisher: Fidel Giró (Impremta)
City: Barcelona
Year 1889
Document type:  Studies on buildings
Subject: Architecture
Library: Biblioteca de Catalunya
Abstract: Monograph on Girona Cathedral, descriptive historical and artistic report with drawings of the ground plan, the elevation, sections and architectural details. Published by the professional institution Catalan Association of Architects, promoting Catalan architectural heritage, from the research carried out by the Association members.
Id: 38



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