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Search > Year: 1895
  Una Nota d'arqueologia cristiana : la indumentaria dels crucifixs


Author:  Gispert i de Ferrater, Joaquim de
Publisher: Establiment Tipogràfich de Vives i Susany
City: Barcelona
Year 1895
Document type:  Treatises
Subject: Costume
Library: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Abstract: Treatise on the theme of the crucifix from the perspective of Christian archaeology, with analysis of different crucifixes.
Id: 114



  La Real capilla de Santa Agueda del palacio de los reyes de Aragón, en Barcelona : notas histórico-críticas


Author:  Bassegoda i Amigó, Bonaventura, 1862-1940
Publisher: Fidel Giró (Impremta)
City: Barcelona
Year 1895
Document type:  Studies on buildings
Subject: Architecture
Library: Centre Excursionista de Catalunya
Abstract: Monograph on the Royal Chapel of St. Agatha. Historical and artistic study with drawings of the ground plan, the elevation, sections and architectural details. Published by the professional institution Catalan Association of Architects, promoting the study of architectural heritage through the research carried out by the Association members themselves.
Id: 55



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