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Search > Publisher: Casa de Misericordia
  Diccionario geográfico, estadístico, etimológico, histórico, artístico, biográfico, industrial y mercantil, etc, de la provincia de Lerida


Author:  Pleyán de Porta, José, 1841-1891
Publisher: Tip. de la Casa Provincial de Misericordia
City: Lleida
Year 1889
Document type:  Dictionary
Subject: Art (general)
Library: Universidad de Lleida
Abstract: Unfinished dictionary of the province of Lleida, only reaching to Les Borges Blanques.
Id: 1378



  El Arte industrial en España


Author:  Alzola y Minondo, Pablo de (1841-1912)
Publisher: Casa de Misericordia
City: Bilbao
Year 1892
Document type:  Essays and studies
Subject: Decorative arts
Library: Fundación Sancho el Sabio
Abstract: Study on industrial art in Spain, dealing with decorative arts, technical and artistic education and artistic industries in Spain. It is complemented by an appendix on aesthetics in public works.
Id: 1357



  Manifiesto que hace la Real Escuela de Bellas Artes de esta ciudad á los profesores de pintura, escultura, arquitectura y grabado


Author:  Real Academia de Bellas Artes de Cádiz
Publisher: Casa de Misericordia
City: Cadiz
Year 1807
Document type:  Documentary sources
Subject: Academies
Library: Biblioteca de Andalucía
Abstract: Academy manifesto for teachers of artistic disciplines recommending to be trained on reading classical and modern authors.
Id: 1255



  Carta de D. Juan Agustín Ceán Bermúdez a un amigo suyo : sobre el estilo y gusto en la pintura de la escuela sevillana...


Author:  Ceán Bermúdez, Juan Agustín, 1749-1829
Publisher: Casa de Misericordia
City: Cadiz
Year 1806
Document type:  Treatises
Subject: Painting
Library: Bodleian Libraries. University of Oxford
Abstract: Study written by Juan Agustín Ceán Bermúdez, analyzing the Seville school of painting, and especially the painter Bartolomé Esteban Murillo (1617-1682).
Id: 421





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