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Search > Publisher: Estab. Tip. de Fortanet
  Catálogo general


Author:  Exposición Histórico-Europea (1892-1893 : Madrid, Madrid)
Publisher: Estab. Tip. de Fortanet
City: Madrid
Year 1893
Document type:  Catalogs
Subject: Art (general)
Library: Fundació Amatller
Abstract: Catalogue of the historic exhibition of 1893 to commemorate the fourth centenary of the discovery of America and the figure of Christopher Columbus.
Id: 1706



  Discursos leídos ante la Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando en la recepción pública del Excmo. señor D. José Villegas y Cordero el día 1º de marzo de 1903


Author:  Villegas Cordero, José (1844-1921) ; Picón, Jacinto Octavio (1852-1923)
Publisher: Estab. Tip. de Fortanet
City: Madrid
Year 1903
Document type:  Conferences
Subject: Art (general)
Library: Biblioteca Nacional de España
Abstract: Speech on Impressionist art and response speech.
Id: 1201



  Palacio del Marqués de Santa Cruz en el Viso


Author:  Alcalá Galiano, Pelayo (1840-1935)
Publisher: Estab. Tip. de Fortanet
City: Madrid
Year 1888
Document type:  Studies on buildings
Subject: Architecture
Library: Biblioteca Nacional de España de españa
Abstract: Reprinted article (corrected and enlarged), published in the extraordinary issue of the Revista General de la Marina on 9 February 1888, in commemoration of the third centenary of the death of Alvaro Bazan, first Marquess of Santa Cruz. There is a description of the palace and its works of art.
Id: 936


  Inventario de una colección de libros de arte


Author:  Cánovas del Castillo y Vallejo, Antonio 
Publisher: Estab. Tip. de Fortanet
City: Madrid
Year 1911
Document type:  Catalogs
Subject: Collecting
Library: Biblioteca Nacional de España
Abstract: Art book collection inventory, where books are arranged alphabetically by authors. It differentiates between Spanish bibliography and foreign bibliography.
Id: 826


  Inventario de las antigüedades y objetos de arte que posee la Real Academia de la Historia


Author:  García, Juan Catalina (1845-1911) ; Gayangos, Pascual de (1809 - 1897); Real Academia de la Historia
Publisher: Estab. Tip. de Fortanet
City: Madrid
Year 1903
Document type:  Catalogs
Subject: Archaeology
Library: Biblioteca Nacional de España
Abstract: Inventory with a brief description and sizes of the old pieces of the academy, arranged in different chapters: pre-Roman art, Oriental peoples, American antiques, classical civilization, Middle Ages, and Arab civilization. The Pascual Gayangos Collection is also documented, with a similar classification.
Id: 822




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