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Search > Publisher: Hermenegildo Miralles
  Panorama nacional : escogidísima colección de láminas ... que representan monumentos, templos y edificios notables...


Publisher: Hermenegildo Miralles
City: Barcelona
Year 1896-1898
Document type:  Album
Subject: Architecture
Library: Biblioteca Pública del Estado en Cáceres
Abstract: Album of photographs of monuments and historic buildings in Spain, including the Philippines and Cuba.
Id: 1369



  A los toros


Author:  Perea, Daniel (1834-1909) ; Barbieri, Francisco A. (1823-1894)
Publisher: Litogr. y Enc. Hermenegildo Miralles
City: Barcelona
Year 1886-1991?
Document type:  Album
Subject: Painting
Library: Biblioteca Nacional de España
Abstract: Album with 28 watercolors of bullfighting scenes in Spanish, French and English. A piece from the zarzuela 'Pan y Toros' is also published.
Id: 1127





Author:  Audouard, Pau (1856-1919)
Publisher: Hermenegildo Miralles
City: Barcelona
Year 1896
Document type:  Album
Subject: Architecture
Library: Biblioteca Nacional de España
Abstract: Album of 32 photographs with images of the natural and architectural heritage of the monastic complex.
Id: 955





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