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  Manual del florista :o arte de imitar toda especie de flores naturales con papel, batista, muselina y otras telas de algodón ... ; seguido del Arte del plumista


Author:  Bayle-Mouillard, Élisabeth-Félicie (1796-1865)
Publisher: Imp. de Repullés
City: Madrid
Year 1833
Document type:  Treatises
Subject: Decorative arts
Library: Biblioteca Nacional de España
Abstract: Translation of the 'Manuel du fleuriste artificiel' by Lucio Franco de la Selva. The book deals with the techniques to work artificial flowers and there is a section on the art of the plumber.
Id: 920



  Programa de trabajos académicos de la Comisión de Monumentos Históricos y Artísticos de la provincia de Granada para el año de 1866, primero de su instalación


Author:  Castro y Orozco, José de, Marqués de Gerona (1808-1869) ; Comisión de Monumentos Históricos y Artísticos (Granada (Provincia))
Publisher: Imp. y Librería de José María Zamora
City: Granada
Year 1866
Document type:  Essays and studies
Subject: Art (general)
Library: Biblioteca Nacional de España
Abstract: Program of the work of the Commission consisting of the catalogue of the state monuments, Museum of Fine Arts, archaeological exploration, houses of famous men, famous tombs, historical portraits, unknown ancient artists, contemporary painters and sculptors, unpublished inscriptions: medals and monumental architecture.
Id: 916



  Noticia de los principales monumentos artísticos de Sevilla


Publisher: Imp. de El Sevillano
City: Sevilla
Year 1842
Document type:  Studies on buildings
Subject: Architecture
Library: Biblioteca Nacional de España
Abstract: Essay on the main monuments of the city of Seville, as well as other news of interest. The index is divided into: monuments, painting collectors and a guide for outsiders.
Id: 914



  Catálogo de las obras de arte existentes en el Palacio del Senado


Author:  España - Cortes Generales - Senado
Publisher:  Imp. de Fortanet
City: Madrid
Year 1917
Document type:  Catalogs
Subject: Collecting
Library: Biblioteca Nacional de España
Abstract: Second edition, corrected and enlarged. Catalogue of the art collections of the Senate Palace.
Id: 912


  El arte cristiano en España


Author:  Passavant, Johann David ; Boutelou, Claudio
Publisher:  Imp. y Librería de José Fernández
City: Sevilla
Year 1877
Document type:  Essays and studies
Subject: Religious art
Library: Biblioteca Nacional de España de españa
Abstract: Book on Spanish religious art, translated from German with annotations by C. Boutelou. It is structured in three parts: architecture, sculpture and painting.
Id: 911


  La Casa de Sorolla


Publisher: Imp. de Blass
City: Madrid
Year 1932
Document type:  Essays and studies
Subject: Painting
Library: Biblioteca Nacional de España
Abstract: Book of speeches by important people from the time, such as Fernando de los Rios, Minister of Public Instruction and Fine Arts, with the presentation of 'La Casa de Sorolla' as a Museum.
Id: 898



  Catálogo de los cuadros que componen la coleccion que el Ilmo.Sr.D. José Rosich, vecino de Barcelona, tiene en la capilla del Mas-Estadella


Publisher: Imp. de D. Zacarías Soler
City: Madrid
Year 1863
Document type:  Catalogs
Subject: Collecting
Library: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Abstract: Catalogue of Rosich painting collection, published in Madrid in 1863.
Id: 890



  Exposición Universal de Barcelona : instalaciones del ... Marqués de Campo : catalogo


Author:  Exposició Universal de Barcelona (1888) ; Campo, Marqués de
Publisher: A. López Robert Imp.
City: Barcelona
Year 1888?
Document type:  Catalogs
Subject: Art (general)
Library: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Abstract: Catalogue of the 1888 Barcelona Universal Exhibition. It contains the list of the exhibited objects.
Id: 863


  Discurso que en el solemne acto de apertura de la Exposición artística de 1878, celebrada por la Asociación para el Fomento de las Bellas Artes, leyó su presidente D. Enrique Claudio Girbal


Author:  Girbal, Enrique Claudio (1839-1896)
Publisher: Imp. del Hospicio Provincial
City: Girona
Year 1878
Document type:  Conferences
Subject: Art (general)
Library: Biblioteca Nacional de España
Abstract: Speech on the art and artists of Girona since the Roman era, read at the opening ceremony of the artistic exhibition of 1878.
Id: 825


  Las bellas artes plásticas en Sevilla: la pintura, la escultura y la cerámica artística desde el siglo XIII hasta nuestros días


Author:  Cascales Muñoz, José (1865-1933)
Publisher:  Imp., Fot. y Enc. del Colegio de Huérfanos de María Cristina
City: Toledo
Year 1929
Document type:  Essays and studies
Subject: Art (general)
Library: Biblioteca Nacional de España
Abstract: Two-volume work on painting, sculpture and ceramics made in Seville. There is an index of authors for each discipline. Illustrated with 80 images of artistic pieces.
Id: 823


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