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Search > Publisher: Imp. de Joaquín Verdaguer
  Diccionario de música, o sea esplicación y definición de todas las palabras técnicas del arte y de los instrumentos músicos antiguos y modernos, según los mejores diccionarios publicados en Francia, Italia y Alemania


Author:  Fargas y Soler, Antonio (1813-1888)
Publisher: Imp. de Joaquín Verdaguer
City: Barcelona
Year 1852
Document type:  Dictionary
Subject: Music
Library: Biblioteca Nacional de España
Abstract: Dictionary of musical terms. According to the authors this is the first music dictionary made in Spain.
Id: 1016



  Ópera española


Author:  Rius, José de la Madre de Dios (1785-1857) ; Donizetti, Gaetano (1797-1848) ; Cammarano, Salvatore (1801-1852)
Publisher: Imp. de Joaquín Verdaguer
City: Barcelona
Year 1840
Document type:  Essays and studies
Subject: Opera
Library: Biblioteca Nacional de España
Abstract: Translation of the opera 'El Belisario', with lyrics by S. Cammaramo and music by G. Donizetti, with a speech by J. Rius which expresses the need and convenience of its translation into Spanish.
Id: 930



  Catálogo de la exposición artística de Bilbao : agosto 1894 / patrocinada por la Diputación de Vizcaya y el Ayuntamiento de la Invicta Villa


Publisher: Imp. de Joaquín Verdaguer ; Imprenta Provincial
City: Bilbao
Year 1894
Document type:  Catalogs
Subject: Art (general)
Library: Fundación Sancho el Sabio
Abstract: Exhibition catalogue of paintings, sculpture, architectural projects and photography. There is a list of authors and their works with the sale price, as well as images of the works of art.
Id: 773


  Recuerdos y bellezas de España : obra destinada para dar a conocer sus monumentos, antiguedades, paysages etc., en láminas dibujadas del natural y litografiadas por F. J. Parcerisa y acompañadas con texto por P. Piferrer


Author:  Piferrer, Pau, 1818-1848
Publisher: Imp. de Joaquín Verdaguer
City: Barcelona
Year 1839 - 1865
Document type:  Essays and studies
Subject: Art (general)
Library: Biblioteca Nacional de España
Abstract: Recuerdos y Bellezas de España (1839-1865) is considered one of the most emblematic artistic publications in the 19th century. Originally published in Barcelona by the printing house of Joaquin Verdaguer. Then it was printed in different cities. The first two volumes are written by Pablo Piferrer, while the others by José María Quadrado, Pedro de Madrazo and Francisco Pi y Margall. The precious lithographic prints that decorate the publication were made according to the original drawings of Francisco Javier Parcerisa (1803-1876) who also draw them on the stone. The represented subjects are landscapes, architecture and the most outstanding art treasures of different regions of Spain for each of the volumes of the publication. The titles: Vol. 1. Principado de Cataluña (2 v.); Vol. 2. Mallorca ; Vol. 3. Aragón / by José María Quadrado; Vol. 4. Castilla la Nueva / J. M. Quadrado (2 v.) ; Vol. 5. Reino de Granada : comprende las provincias de Jaén, Granada, Málaga y Almería / F. Pi y Margall ; Vol. 6. Córdoba / P. de Madrazo ; Vol. 7. Asturias y León / J. M. Quadrado ; Vol. 8. Sevilla y Cádiz / P. de Madrazo ; Vol. 9. Valladolid, Palencia y Zamora / José M. Quadrado ; Vol. 10. Salamanca, Ávila y Segovia / J. M. Quadrado.
Id: 618




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