Records: 6
Author: Ramírez de Arellano y Díaz de Morales, Rafael (1854-1921) Publisher: Imprenta Provincial City: Toledo Year 1920 Document type: Catalogs Subject: Goldsmithing Library: Fundació Amatller Abstract: Catalogue of artisans who have worked in Toledo, whose names are found in the archives of the city. Written by the historian Rafael Ramírez de Arellano in 1921. Id: 1667
Author: Lladonosa, Josep Publisher: Imprenta Escuela Provincial City: Lleida Year 1973 Document type: Studies on buildings Subject: Ecclesiastic heritage Library: Col·lecció particular Abstract: Monograph on the monastery written in 1973 by Josep Lladonosa, official chronicler of Lleida and member of the IEI (Institute for Lleida Studies). Includes photographs of the building. Id: 1583
Author: Olascoaga Gorostiaga, Fernando de Publisher: Imprenta Provincial City: Bilbao Year 1895 Document type: Documentary sources Subject: Art (general) Library: Biblioteca de La Rioja Abstract: Report of the exhibition of paintings, sculpture, architecture, calligraphy, photography and engraving. Id: 1308
Author: García Boiza, Antonio, 1885-1950 Publisher: Imprenta Provincial City: Salamanca Year 1937 Document type: Essays and studies Subject: Art (general) Library: Biblioteca de Castilla y León (Valladolid) Abstract: Inventory of the heritage of Salamanca, chronologically beginning in Roman times. Id: 1214
Author: Ramírez de Arellano y Díaz de Morales, Rafael (1854-1921) Publisher: Real Imprenta del Hospicio Provincial City: Ciudad Real Year 1894 Document type: Guides and Travel guides Subject: Art (general) Library: Biblioteca Nacional de España Abstract: Study on the main castles of the Order of Calatrava: Calatrava la Vieja, Calatrava la Nueva and Almagro. Id: 1141
Publisher: Imp. de Joaquín Verdaguer ; Imprenta Provincial City: Bilbao Year 1894 Document type: Catalogs Subject: Art (general) Library: Fundación Sancho el Sabio Abstract: Exhibition catalogue of paintings, sculpture, architectural projects and photography. There is a list of authors and their works with the sale price, as well as images of the works of art. Id: 773
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