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Search > Publisher: Joaquín Ibarra
  Reflexiones sobre la arquitectura, ornato, y música del templo : contra los procedimientos arbitrarios sin consulta de la Escritura Santa, de la disciplina rigurosa, y la crítica facultativa


Author:  Ureña, Gaspar de Molina y Zaldívar, Marqués de (1741-1806)
Publisher: Joaquín Ibarra
City: Madrid
Year 1785
Document type:  Essays and studies
Subject: Architecture
Library: Biblioteca Nacional de España
Abstract: Reflections on religious architecture.
Id: 1191



  Elementos de toda la architectura civil con las mas singulares observaciones de los modernos


Author:  Rieger, Christian (1714-1780) ; Benavente, Miguel (S. I.) (m. 1793); Minguet, Juan (1737-1804?)
Publisher: Joaquín Ibarra
City: Madrid
Year 1763
Document type:  Treatises
Subject: Architecture
Library: Biblioteca Nacional de España
Abstract: Work originally printed in Latin by the father of the Society of Jesus, C. Rieger, translated into Spanish and enlarged by M. Benavente, with engravings by J. Minguet and J.F. Palomino. It consists of four parts: principles in architectural theory, building regulations, architectural ornaments and the rules of architecture.
Id: 931



  Elementos de matemática. Tom. IX, Parte I, Que trata de la arquitectura civil


Author:  Bails, Benito, 1730-1797
Publisher: Viuda de D. Joaquín Ibarra
City: Madrid
Year 1796
Document type:  Treatises
Subject: Architecture
Library: Sociedad Española de Historia de la Construcción
Abstract: 2nd edition of the treatise on mathematics used by the Royal Academy of San Fernando.
Id: 479


  Elementos de fortificacion, en que se explican los principios, y método de delinear las obras de la fortificacion regular é irregular...


Author:  Le Blond, Guillaume, 1704-1781
Publisher: Joaquín Ibarra
City: Madrid
Year 1776
Document type:  Treatises
Subject: Architecture
Library: Universidad de Sevilla. Fondo Antiguo
Abstract: Treatise published in Madrid in 1776 to study defensive engineering works.
Id: 425



  Apuntes para la Historia de la Arquitectura, y observaciones sobre la que se distingue con la denominación de Gótica


Author:  Inclán Valdés, Juan Miguel de
Publisher: Joaquín Ibarra
City: Madrid
Year 1833
Document type:  Treatises
Subject: Architecture
Library: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Abstract: Monograph on Gothic architecture, written by Juan Miguel de Inclan Valdes and dedicated to Manuel Fernández Varela, protector of the Royal Academy of Noble Arts. Published in Madrid in 1833.
Id: 248





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