Records: 4
Author: Lampérez y Romea, Vicente, 1861-1923 Publisher: Saturnino Calleja City: Madrid Year 1920 Document type: Essays and studies Subject: Architecture Library: Biblioteca Nacional de España Abstract: Study on the history and constructive features of monasteries around Spain. Geographically organized: Castilla y León, Castilla y Extremadura, Navarra, Galicia, Andalucia, Catalonia and Valencia and, finally, Aragon. Id: 818
Author: Sánchez Rivero, Ángel Publisher: Editorial Saturnino Calleja City: Madrid Year 1920 Document type: Studies on artists Subject: Engraving Library: Biblioteca de Aragón Abstract: Study on Goya as engraver, dealing with a general chapter on the artist, the different series of engravings and a chapter on preparatory drawings. Id: 803
Author: Lampérez y Romea, Vicente, 1861-1923 Publisher: Editorial Saturnino Calleja City: Madrid Year 1922 Document type: Studies on buildings Subject: Architecture Library: Fondo Antiguo de la Universidad de Sevilla Abstract: First book of a two-volume set on Spanish civil architecture between the 1st and 18th centuries. Id: 768
Author: Lampérez y Romea, Vicente, 1861-1923 Publisher: Editorial Saturnino Calleja City: Madrid Year 1922 Document type: Studies on buildings Subject: Architecture Library: Fondo Antiguo de la Universidad de Sevilla Abstract: Second book of a two-volume set on Spanish civil architecture between the 1st and 18th centuries. Id: 767
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