Records: 3
Author: Gudiol i Cunill, Josep, 1872-1931 Publisher: Tipografia Balmesiana City: Vic Year 1918 Document type: Essays and studies Subject: Collecting Library: Fundació Amatller Abstract: Report on the Episcopal Museum in Vic written by Josep Gudiol in 1916, dealing with the history and the organization of the museum. Awarded in the first contest of Museums organized by the Institut d'Estudis Catalans. Id: 1650
Author: Gudiol i Cunill, Josep, 1872-1931 Publisher: Tipografia Balmesiana City: Vic Year 1924 Document type: Essays and studies Subject: Art (general) Library: Fundació Amatller Abstract: Notes for a monograph on the Literary University of Vic. Josep Gudiol i Cunill collects news about this old teaching institution from its creation to its abolition in 1717. Id: 1596
Author: Gudiol i Cunill, Josep, 1872-1931 Publisher: Tipografia Balmesiana City: Vic Year 1920 Document type: Essays and studies Subject: Decorative arts Library: Col·lecció particular Abstract: Study on liturgical furniture, its utility and its historical evolution. Monograph published in Vic in 1920. Id: 637
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