Records: 46
Author: Estevez, Eugenio ; Reial Acadèmia de Bones Lletres de Barcelona Publisher: Josef Estevan City: València Year 1804 Document type: Studies on artists Subject: Biographies of artists Library: Biblioteca Valenciana Abstract: Study on Francisco de Ribalta and his homeland. Id: 1237
Author: Chabás, Roque ; Teixidor, José Publisher: Francisco Vives Mora ; Librería de Pascual Aguilar City: València Year 1895-96 Document type: Studies on buildings Subject: Architecture Library: Biblioteca de Castilla y León (Valladolid) Abstract: Work in two volumes, the first includes the work 'Antiguedades de Valencia' by Jose Teixidor, the second the work directed by Roque Chabás. It is divided into five books: antiquities of the foundation, parish churches and cathedral, antiques of the parish churches, antiquities of the convents, houses of military and study orders, etc. Id: 1217
Author: Valls David, Rafael Publisher: Imprenta de Juan Guix City: València Year 1894 Document type: Conferences Subject: Pottery Library: Biblioteca Nacional de España Abstract: Lectures on ceramics and the history of its manufactue. Id: 1194
Author: Sanchis y Sivera, José (1867-1937) Publisher: Estab. Tip. Manuel Pau City: València Year 1909 Document type: Studies on buildings Subject: Architecture Library: Biblioteca Nacional de España Abstract: History, description and curiosities about El Micalet and its bells. Signed under the pseudonym of Lazaro Floro. Id: 1170
Author: Sanchis y Sivera, José (1867-1937) Publisher: Est. Tip. Hijos de F. Vives Mora City: València Year 1913 Document type: Studies on buildings Subject: Architecture Library: Biblioteca Nacional de España Abstract: Study on the church and its history, with illustrations. Id: 1169
Author: Sanchis y Sivera, José (1867-1937) Publisher: Francisco Vives Mora City: València Year 1919 Document type: Studies on buildings Subject: Architecture Library: Biblioteca Nacional de España Abstract: Guide to the history and art of the Valencia cathedral with prints. Id: 1168
Author: Mitjana, Rafael (1869-1921) Publisher: F. Sempere y Compañía City: València Year 1909 Document type: Essays and studies Subject: Music Library: Biblioteca Nacional de España Abstract: Writings on contemporary musical art in Spain. Id: 1103
Author: Martínez Aloy, José (1855-1924) Publisher: Editorial Valenciana City: València Year 1920 Document type: Studies on buildings Subject: Architecture Library: Biblioteca Nacional de España Abstract: History and description of the Palau de la Generalitat in Valencia, a translation into Valencian of the work of the same author 'La Casa de la Diputación'. Id: 1082
Author: Martínez Aloy, José (1855-1924) ; Valencia (Provincia) - Diputación Provincial Publisher: Estab. Tip. Doménech City: València Year 1900-1910 Document type: Studies on buildings Subject: Architecture Library: Biblioteca Nacional de España Abstract: History and description of the Palau de la Generalitat Valenciana. With prints. Id: 1081
Author: Lumiares, Antonio Valcárcel Pío de Saboya y Moura, Conde de (1748-1808) Publisher: Hermanos de Orga ; Joseph, y Thomas de Orga City: València Year 1779 Document type: Essays and studies Subject: Archaeology Library: Biblioteca Nacional de España Abstract: Study on Roman pottery with prints. Id: 1073
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