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Tornar Volver
  Litografies de Fortuny adolescent


Author:  Callicó Botella, Ferran
Publisher: Biblioteca PAC
City: Barcelona
Year 1938
Document type:  Album
Subject: Engraving
Library: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Abstract: Compilation of lithographs that the artist Marià Fortuny did when he was a teenager. Compiled by Ferran Calicó and published in Catalan, Spanish and English in 1938 in Barcelona.
Id: 887


  Grabados de Goya


Author:  Sánchez Rivero, Ángel
Publisher: Editorial Saturnino Calleja
City: Madrid
Year 1920
Document type:  Studies on artists
Subject: Engraving
Library: Biblioteca de Aragón
Abstract: Study on Goya as engraver, dealing with a general chapter on the artist, the different series of engravings and a chapter on preparatory drawings.
Id: 803

Grabados de Goya


  Grabados británicos contemporáneos : St. George's Gallery, Londres


Publisher: Fomento de las Artes Decorativas
City: Barcelona
Year 1961
Document type:  Catalogs
Subject: Engraving
Library: Institut Amatller d'Art Hispànic
Abstract: Number 4 exhibition catalogue held at the Barcelona Museum of Contemporary Art, from 6 December to 6 January 1961. It contains an introductory text and biographical notes on the artists.
Id: 762



  Real Cedula de su Magestad, a consulta, en que se prohibe la introduccion, expedicion, y retencion de Estampas satíricas, alusivas á las providencias tomadas con los Regulares de la Compañía…


Author:  Carles III, 1716-1788
Publisher: Oficina de Antonio Sanz
City: Madrid
Year 1769
Document type:  Legal Documentation
Subject: Engraving
Library: Biblioteca Pública de Ávila
Abstract: Royal decree to ban engravings on the expulsion of the Jesuits.
Id: 495


  Exposición de grabados y libros ilustrados franceses del siglo XVIII


Publisher: Sociedad Española de Amigos del Arte
City: Madrid
Year 1936
Document type:  Catalogs
Subject: Engraving
Library: Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales del CSIC
Abstract: Catalogue of the 'Exhibition of Prints and Illustrated Books in 18th-century France' held at the premises of the ‘Sociedad Española de Amigos del Arte’ after the course in 18th-century French painting and engraving, organized by the French Institute in Spain. The course was the starting point of the exhibition that was presented and divided into two sections: prints and books, and bindings. Introductory text preceding the list of the exhibits with the name of the exhibitor/owner.
Id: 375



  Exposición de grabados de autores españoles celebrada por la Asociación Artístico-Arqueológica Barcelonesa en enero de 1880 : [catálogo]


Author:  Asociación Artístico-Arqueológica Barcelonesa
Publisher: Sucesores de Narciso Ramírez (Impremta)
City: Barcelona
Year 1880
Document type:  Catalogs
Subject: Engraving
Library: Col·lecció particular
Abstract: Exhibition catalogue of ancient engravings (15th-18th c.) organised by the Artistic Archaeological Association of Barcelona. Illustrated with photographs (heliogravure) showcasing some of the more than 600 prints on display. Published by the same private institution that sponsors the study of ancient art.
Id: 98



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