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Search > Author: Cruzada Villaamil, Gregorio, 1832-1884
  Boletín de El Arte en España


Author:  Cruzada Villaamil, Gregorio, 1832-1884
Year 1962-1963
Document type:  Journals
Subject: Art (general)
Library: Biblioteca Nacional de España
Abstract: Supplement to 'El arte en España' (1862-1870). The digitized collection includes 18 issues, between 20 February 1862 and 15 October 1863. There is a section with official information on fine arts. And another, with brief news.
Id: 805



  Catálogo provisional historial y razonado del Museo Nacional de Pinturas formado de órden del Excm. Sr. Ministro de Fomento, Marqués de la Vega de Armijo


Author:  Cruzada Villaamil, Gregorio, 1832-1884
Publisher: Imprenta de Manuel Galiano
City: Madrid
Year 1865
Document type:  Catalogs
Subject: Painting
Library: Museo del Prado
Abstract: Catalogue of the paintings of the Spanish School (which the author divides into Madrid, Seville, Granada, Toledo, Valencia and the primitive Spanish Schools) and foreign schools (including Flemish and Cologne school, Italian and French) in the Trinidad Museum in 1858. Includes an artist index.
Id: 520


  Rubens : diplomático español : sus viajes a España y notícia de sus cuadros según los inventarios de las casas reales de Austria y de Borbón


Author:  Cruzada Villaamil, Gregorio, 1832-1884
Publisher: Casa Editorial de Medina y Navarro
City: Madrid
Year 1874?
Document type:  Studies on artists
Subject: Biographies of artists
Library: Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya. Biblioteca
Abstract: Study on the painter Peter Paul Rubens (1577-1640) written by Gregorio Cruzada Villaamil (1832-1884), dealing especially with the link between the paintings of the famous Dutch painter and his travels to Spain, according to the inventories of the Spanish Royal Houses.
Id: 297


  Anales de la vida y de las obras de Diego de Silva Velázquez : escritos con ayuda de nuevos documentos


Author:  Cruzada Villaamil, Gregorio, 1832-1884
Publisher: Librería de Miguel Guijarro
City: Madrid
Year 1885
Document type:  Studies on artists
Subject: Biographies of artists
Library: Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya. Biblioteca
Abstract: Monograph on the painter Velázquez (1599-1660) written by Gregorio Cruzada Villaamil (1832-1884). There is a catalogue of his works with the sections: religion, history, mythology and allegories, equestrian portraits, full body, busts and landscapes.
Id: 296



  Catálogo provisional, historial y razonado del Museo Nacional de Pinturas


Author:  Cruzada Villaamil, Gregorio, 1832-1884
Publisher: Imprenta de Manuel Galiano
City: Madrid
Year 1865
Document type:  Catalogs
Subject: Painting
Library: Biblioteca de Catalunya
Abstract: Catalogue raisonné of the National Museum of paintings, published in Madrid in 1865. 
Id: 268





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