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Search > Year: 1885
  España : sus monumentos y artes, su naturaleza e historia. Asturias y León


Author:  Quadrado, José María, 1819-1896
Publisher: Daniel Cortezo y Cía.
City: Barcelona
Year 1885
Document type:  Essays and studies
Subject: Art (general)
Library: Biblioteca del Banco de España
Abstract: Study on Asturias and León and its monuments written by José M. Quadrado in 1885 in the collection 'España sus monumentos y artes - su naturaleza é historia' (Spain its monuments and arts - its nature and history). It contains clichés by Laurent, engravings by Meisenbach, Joarizti and Gómez Polo, drawings by Parcerisa, Pascó, Atenza and Gómez Soler, and trading cards by Xumetra.
Id: 1568



  España : sus monumentos y artes, su naturaleza e historia. Provincias Vascongadas


Author:  Pirala, Antonio
Publisher: Daniel Cortezo y Cía.
City: Barcelona
Year 1885
Document type:  Essays and studies
Subject: Art (general)
Library: Biblioteca del Banco de España
Abstract: Study on the Basque provinces and their monuments written by Antonio Pirala in 1885 within the collection 'España sus monumentos y artes - su naturaleza é historia' (Spain its monuments and arts - its nature and history). It contains photogravures and heliographies by Joarizti and Mariezcurrena, pen drawings by Àngel Pirala, M.O. Delgado and Passos, engravings by Gómez Polo and trading cards by Xumetra.
Id: 1565



  España : sus monumentos y artes, su naturaleza e historia. Granada, Jaén, Málaga y Almería


Author:  Pi i Margall, Francesc, 1824-1901
Publisher: Daniel Cortezo y Cía.
City: Barcelona
Year 1885
Document type:  Essays and studies
Subject: Art (general)
Library: Biblioteca del Banco de España
Abstract: Study on Granada, Jaen, Malaga and Almeria and their monuments written by Francesc Pi i Margall in 1885 within the collection 'España sus monumentos y artes, su naturaleza e historia'(Spain its monuments and arts, its nature and history). It contains clichés by Laurent and Joarizti, photogravures by Joarizti, Thomas and Gómez Polo, pen drawings by Pascó and trading cards by Xumetra.
Id: 1562


  De Llanes a Covadonga, excursión geográfico-pintoresca


Author:  Foronda y Aguilera, Manuel de
Publisher: Sociedad Geográfica de Madrid
City: Madrid
Year 1885
Document type:  Conferences
Subject: Art (general)
Library: Real Instituto de Estudios Asturianos
Abstract: Lecture about the eastern part of Asturias described as an excursion.
Id: 1464



  Granada, Jaén, Málaga y Almería


Author:  Pi i Margall, Francesc, 1824-1901 ; Gómez Polo, Enrique, 1841-1911
Publisher: Daniel Cortezo y Cía.
City: Barcelona
Year 1885
Document type:  Album
Subject: Art (general)
Library: Biblioteca Universitaria de la Universidad de Granada
Abstract: Album of the history and monuments of the four provinces mentioned, with photographs by Laurent and Joaritzi, photogravures by Joaritzi, Thomás and Gómez Polo, pen drawings by Pascó and trading cards by Xumetra.
Id: 1282



  El arte en todas sus manifestaciones


Author:  Rios, Demetrio de los, 1827-1892
Publisher: Imp. Gironés y Orduña
City: Sevilla
Year 1885
Document type:  Treatises
Subject: Art (general)
Library: Biblioteca de Andalucía
Abstract: Treatise on art divided into two books. The first book is about beauty and art, the second book is about first-rate and second-rate arts.
Id: 1248



  Memoria sobre el Renacimiento


Author:  Alonso Pesquera, Teodosio
Publisher: Imprenta, Heliografía y Grabados de Luis N. de Gaviria
City: Valladolid
Year 1885
Document type:  Essays and studies
Subject: Art (general)
Library: Biblioteca de Castilla y León (Valladolid)
Abstract: Report on the Renaissance in art, its manifestations in Valladolid and the causes of its decline. Award-winning work at the Floral Games.
Id: 1216



  Discursos leídos ante la Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando en la recepción pública del Sr. D. Dióscoro Teófilo Puebla el día 8 de noviembre de 1885


Author:  Puebla, Dióscoro (1831-1901) ; Vázquez, Mariano (1831-1894)
Publisher: Imp. y Fundición de Manuel Tello
City: Madrid
Year 1885
Document type:  Conferences
Subject: Painting
Library: Biblioteca Nacional de España
Abstract: Speech on the history of painting with the response speech.
Id: 1187



  El Monasterio de Piedra visto al natural


Author:  Jordana y Morera, José (1836-1906)
Publisher: Establecimiento Tipográfico Sucesores de Rivadeneyra
City: Madrid
Year 1885
Document type:  Guides and Travel guides
Subject: Architecture
Library: Biblioteca Nacional de España
Abstract: Description of a trip to the surroundings and the outbuildings of the Stone Monastery.
Id: 1050



  El castillo de Brunyola: memoria histórica


Author:  Girbal, Enrique Claudio (1839-1896)
Publisher: Imp. y Librería de Paciano Torres
City: Girona
Year 1885
Document type:  Studies on buildings
Subject: Architecture
Library: Biblioteca Nacional de España
Abstract: History and description of the castle with attached documents.
Id: 1029



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