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  Exposición Internacional del Mueble y Decoración de Interiores : Barcelona, septiembre-octubre 1923


Author:  Exposición Internacional del Mueble
Publisher: Exposición Internacional del Mueble
City: Barcelona
Year 1923
Document type:  Guides and Travel guides
Subject: Decorative arts
Library: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Abstract: Visitor's Guide to the international exhibition of furniture and interior decoration that took place in Barcelona in 1923. Illustrated with images of furniture and rooms.
Id: 859


  Exposición Internacional del Mueble y Decoración de Interiores : sección retrospectiva : guía del visitante


Author:  Exposición Internacional del Mueble
Publisher: Exposición Internacional del Mueble
City: Barcelona
Year 1923
Document type:  Catalogs
Subject: Decorative arts
Library: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Abstract: Visitor's Guide to the retrospective section of the furniture and interior decoration exhibition held in Barcelona in 1923. Illustrated with images of furniture and rooms.
Id: 846


  VI Exposición internacional de arte : catalogo ilustrado


Author:  Exposición Internacional de Arte ; Barcelona (Catalunya) Ajuntament
Publisher: Establecimiento Gráfico Thomas
City: Barcelona
Year 1911
Document type:  Catalogs
Subject: Art (general)
Library: UAB
Abstract: Official catalogue of the sixth international art exhibition in Barcelona, released in 1911. This publication features photographs showcasing select works, encompassing paintings and sculptures exhibited during the event. Additionally, it comprises a comprehensive list of participating artists.
Id: 739


  Catálogo de la Exposición Internacional de Bellas Artes de 1892


Author:  Exposición Internacional de Bellas Artes
Publisher: Establecimiento Tipográfico de R. Álvarez
City: Madrid
Year 1892
Document type:  Catalogs
Subject: Art (general)
Library: Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya. Biblioteca
Abstract: Catalogue of the painting, sculpture and architecture works presented at the national exhibition of fine arts held in Madrid in 1892.
Id: 706


  Catálogo histórico y bibliográfico de la Exposición Internacional de Barcelona


Author:  Exposición Internacional
Publisher: Tipografía de Archivos
City: Madrid
Year 1931-1933
Document type:  Catalogs
Subject: Art (general)
Library: Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya. Biblioteca
Abstract: Illustrated catalogue of the exhibition held in the Palau Nacional de l’Exposició in Barcelona from 1929 to 1930, which displayed artistic treasures and historical artifacts of all ages, from prehistory to modern times, arranged chronologically.

Id: 284





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