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  Passió per l'art d'alta època: estudis en record de Jaume Barrachina Navarro (1951-2020)


Author:  Bassegoda i Hugas, Bonaventura ; González, Maribel
Publisher: Fundació Castell de Peralada
City: Peralada
Year 2022
Document type:  Essays and studies
Subject: Collecting
Library: Biblioteca d'Humanitats UAB
Abstract: A collection of writings contributed by fourteen authors in tribute to Jaume Barrachina, recognised as one of the foremost authorities in Catalan medieval artistic historiography.
Id: 1740



  La joia catalana


Author:  Masferrer i Cantó, Santiago
Publisher: Editorial Lux
City: Barcelona
Year 1930
Document type:  Essays and studies
Subject: Jewelry
Library: UAB
Abstract: Study on jewels and the art of goldsmithing in Catalonia written by Santiago Masferrer in 1930. Illustrated work with photographs. There are three sections: the silver guilds, the religious goldsmithing and the jewel in clothing.
Id: 1587





Author:  Yxart, Josep
Publisher: Biblioteca Arte y Letras
City: Barcelona
Year 1881
Document type:  Studies on artists
Subject: Biographies of artists
Library: UAB
Abstract: Study on the life and work of the Catalan painter Marià Fortuny (1833-1874) written by J. Yxart, published in Barcelona in 1881. Illustrated with photogravures by Goupil and zinc engravings by G. Thomas on some works of the artist.
Id: 744



  L'Art del catecisme y lo catecisme del art : conferencia llegida per son autor en la anyal repartició de premis als noys del catecisme de la Academia Católica de Sabadell


Author:  Sardà i Salvany, Félix
Publisher: L'Arxiu, Llibreria de Joan Batlle
City: Barcelona
Year 1897
Document type:  Conferences
Subject: Jesus Christ - Art
Library: UAB
Abstract: Lecture delivered by Felix Sardà during the award ceremony for the catechism students of the Catholic Academy of Sabadell in 1897.
Id: 743


  Catálogo del Museo de Arte Contemporáneo


Author:  Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona ; Guasch y Homs, Francisco; Batlle Ametlió, Esteban
Publisher: Junta de Museos de Barcelona
City: Barcelona
Year 1926
Document type:  Catalogs
Subject: Art (general)
Library: UAB
Abstract: Catalogue of the Museum of Contemporary Art of Barcelona, published in 1926. This publication showcases contemporary art pieces from the collection of the Junta de Museus, displayed at the Palace of Fine Arts. It features an alphabetical index of artists and provides detailed listings of paintings and sculptures housed within the museum.
Id: 742


  Catàleg del Museu d'Art de Catalunya


Author:  Museu d'Art de Catalunya ; Junta de Museos de Barcelona
Publisher: Museu d'Art de Catalunya
City: Barcelona
Year 1936
Document type:  Catalogs
Subject: Art (general)
Library: UAB
Abstract: Catalogue of the Art Museum of Catalonia, issued in 1936 at its new location in the National Palace on Montjuïc. This initial section of the catalogue encompasses works from the Romanesque, Gothic, Renaissance, and Baroque art periods.
Id: 741


  El Pintor Martí i Alsina : els precedents artístics, l'home i l'artista, l'obra


Author:  Folch i Torres, Josep M. ; Martí Alsina, Ramon
Publisher: Editorial Catalana
City: Barcelona
Year 1920
Document type:  Studies on artists
Subject: Biographies of artists
Library: UAB
Abstract: Study on the life and work of the Catalan painter Ramon Martí i Alsina (1826-1894) written by Joaquim Folch i Torres, published in 1920. Illustrated with photographs of the artist's works.
Id: 740


  VI Exposición internacional de arte : catalogo ilustrado


Author:  Exposición Internacional de Arte ; Barcelona (Catalunya) Ajuntament
Publisher: Establecimiento Gráfico Thomas
City: Barcelona
Year 1911
Document type:  Catalogs
Subject: Art (general)
Library: UAB
Abstract: Official catalogue of the sixth international art exhibition in Barcelona, released in 1911. This publication features photographs showcasing select works, encompassing paintings and sculptures exhibited during the event. Additionally, it comprises a comprehensive list of participating artists.
Id: 739


  Catálogo de la Exposición de Objetos de Arte : celebrada en el edificio de la Sociedad para Exposiciones de Bellas Artes en Barcelona, mayo de 1871


Author:  Exposición de Objetos de Arte ; Sociedad para Exposiciones de Bellas Artes (Barcelona, Catalunya)
Publisher: Establecimiento tipográfico de Narciso Ramirez y Comp.
City: Barcelona
Year 1871
Document type:  Catalogs
Subject: Art (general)
Library: UAB
Abstract: Catalog of the exhibition of art objects held in the building of the Society for Fine Arts exhibitions in Barcelona in 1871. It contains several sections: painting, copies, sculpture, architecture, drawing, engraving, lithography and photography.
Id: 738


  Cátalogo de los objetos presentados en la Primera Exposición de Artes Decorativas y de sus aplicaciones á la industria celebrada por el Instituto de Fomento del Trabajo Nacional inagurada el dia 21 de diciembre de 1880


Author:  Exposición de Artes Decorativas ; Instituto de Fomento del Trabajo Nacional
Publisher:  Hauser y Menet
City: Barcelona
Year 1881
Document type:  Catalogs
Subject: Decorative arts
Library: UAB
Abstract: Catalogue of the first exhibition of decorative arts held in Barcelona by the Instituto de Fomento del Trabajo Nacional in 1880.
Id: 737


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