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Search > Author: Lampérez y Romea, Vicente, 1861-1923
  Una evolución y una revolución de la arquitectura española(1480-1520)


Author:  Lampérez y Romea, Vicente, 1861-1923
Publisher: Hauser y Menet
City: Madrid
Year 1915
Document type:  Conferences
Subject: Architecture
Library: Biblioteca de la Universidad de Sevilla
Abstract: Lecture on Spanish architecture between the late 15th century and the early 16th century. Given at the Ateneo of Madrid.
Id: 1451



  The Cathedral of Burgos


Author:  Lampérez y Romea, Vicente, 1861-1923 ; Hispanic Society of America
Publisher: J. Thomas B.
City: Barcelona
Year 1910-1920
Document type:  Studies on buildings
Subject: Architecture
Library: Biblioteca Nacional de España
Abstract: Study on the cathedral of Burgos, written in Spanish and English.
Id: 1059



  El trazado de la catedral de Toledo y su arquitecto Pedro Pérez


Author:  Lampérez y Romea, Vicente, 1861-1923
Publisher: Establecimiento Tipográfico de la Viuda e Hijos de M. Tello
City: Madrid
Year 1899
Document type:  Studies on buildings
Subject: Architecture
Library: Biblioteca Nacional de España
Abstract: Description and plans of the cathedral of Toledo.
Id: 1058



  Los Mendoza del siglo XV y el castillo del Real del Manzanares


Author:  Lampérez y Romea, Vicente, 1861-1923 ; Mélida y Alinari, José Ramón, (1856-1933)
Publisher: Imp. de Bernardo Rodríguez
City: Madrid
Year 1916
Document type:  Conferences
Subject: Architecture
Library: Biblioteca Nacional de España
Abstract: Speech by Vicente Lampérez and response by José Ramón Mélida.
Id: 1057



  El castillo de La Calahorra (Granada)


Author:  Lampérez y Romea, Vicente, 1861-1923
Publisher: Hauser y Menet
City: Madrid
Year 1914
Document type:  Conferences
Subject: Architecture
Library: Biblioteca Nacional de España
Abstract: Description and plans of the castle of La Calahorra, file for a 'History of Spanish civil architecture'.
Id: 1056



  Segovia, Toro y Burgos :observaciones sobre algunos de sus monumentos arquitectónicos de la Edad Media


Author:  Lampérez y Romea, Vicente, 1861-1923
Publisher: Imp. de los Hijos de M.G. Hernández
City: Madrid
Year 1899
Document type:  Conferences
Subject: Architecture
Library: Biblioteca Nacional de España
Abstract: Lecture on medieval architecture held at the Ateneo of Madrid on 28 February, within the series organized by the Spanish Society of Excursions.
Id: 1055



  El bizantinismo en la arquitectura cristiana española (siglos VI al XII)


Author:  Lampérez y Romea, Vicente, 1861-1923
Publisher: Imp. de San Francisco de Sales
City: Madrid
Year 1900
Document type:  Conferences
Subject: Architecture
Library: Biblioteca Nacional de España
Abstract: Lectures on the Byzantine influence on medieval architecture, held at the Ateneo of Madrid on 8 and 15 February.
Id: 1054



  El antiguo Palacio Episcopal de Santiago de Compostela : papeleta para una "Historia de la arquitectura civil española"


Author:  Lampérez y Romea, Vicente, 1861-1923
Publisher: Imp. de San Francisco de Sales ; Hauser y Menet
City: Madrid
Year 1913
Document type:  Essays and studies
Subject: Architecture
Library: Biblioteca Nacional de España
Abstract: Description and plans of the Gelmírez Palace.
Id: 1053



  Una evolución y una revolución de la arquitectura española (1480 1520)


Author:  Lampérez y Romea, Vicente, 1861-1923
Publisher: Imp. de San Francisco de Sales
City: Madrid
Year 1915
Document type:  Conferences
Subject: Architecture
Library: Biblioteca Nacional de España
Abstract: Lecture on Gothic architecture.
Id: 1052



  Los grandes monasterios españoles


Author:  Lampérez y Romea, Vicente, 1861-1923
Publisher: Saturnino Calleja
City: Madrid
Year 1920
Document type:  Essays and studies
Subject: Architecture
Library: Biblioteca Nacional de España
Abstract: Study on the history and constructive features of monasteries around Spain. Geographically organized: Castilla y León, Castilla y Extremadura, Navarra, Galicia, Andalucia, Catalonia and Valencia and, finally, Aragon.
Id: 818


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