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Search > Year: 1900
  Monumentos megalíthicos de Porcía, concejo de Tapia (Asturias)


Author:  García Teijeiro, Miguel, 1867-1936
Publisher: Talleres Tipográficos de G. Castro
City: Lugo
Year 1900
Document type:  Treatises
Subject: Archaeology
Library: Biblioteca de Asturias
Abstract: Study on the megalithic monuments of Porcía (Tapia de Casariego).
Id: 1479



  Breve resumen ó Guía explicativa del Museo Arqueológico Nacional


Author:  Ramo, F. E.
Publisher: Imprenta, litografía y sellos de cauchú de A. Ortega
City: Madrid
Year 1900
Document type:  Catalogs
Subject: Archaeology
Library: Museo Arqueológico Nacional
Abstract: Guide organized by historical periods and museum rooms.
Id: 1364



  La Iglesia del Corpus Christi de Segovia, antigua sinagoga : monografía histórica escrita en 1895


Author:  Lecea y García, Carlos de (1835-1919)
Publisher: Victoriano Suárez
City: Segovia
Year 1900
Document type:  Studies on buildings
Subject: Architecture
Library: Biblioteca Nacional de España
Abstract: Historical study on the church of Corpus Christi in Segovia.
Id: 1061



  El bizantinismo en la arquitectura cristiana española (siglos VI al XII)


Author:  Lampérez y Romea, Vicente, 1861-1923
Publisher: Imp. de San Francisco de Sales
City: Madrid
Year 1900
Document type:  Conferences
Subject: Architecture
Library: Biblioteca Nacional de España
Abstract: Lectures on the Byzantine influence on medieval architecture, held at the Ateneo of Madrid on 8 and 15 February.
Id: 1054



  Juicios literarios y artísticos


Author:  Alarcón, Pedro Antonio de (1833-1891)
Publisher: Establecimiento Tipográfico de los Sucesores de Rivadeneyra
City: Madrid
Year 1900
Document type:  Essays and studies
Subject: Art (general)
Library: Biblioteca Nacional de España
Abstract: Collection of various writings on art and artists. The first is a lecture on morality in art but it also deals with zarzuela, J. Zorrilla, E.A. Poe, E. Castelar, etc.
Id: 933


  Monumentos de Ávila : guía para visitar la ciudad


Author:  Romanillos, Fabriciano ; Redondo de Zúñiga, Ángel; Cid, Fernando
Publisher: Imprenta de El Diario
City: Avila
Year 1900
Document type:  Studies on buildings
Subject: Architecture
Library: Biblioteca de Castilla y León
Abstract: Study of the city of Avila written by Fabriciano Romanillos in collaboration with Fernando Cid and Angel Redondo de Zuñiga. The work examines the main architectural monuments of the city focusing on the walls, the cathedral, several palaces and fortified houses, parishes, monasteries and convents and different hermitages close to the town.
Id: 616


  Catálogo de los cuadros del Museo del Prado de Madrid


Author:  Madrazo y Künzt, Pedro de, 1816-1898
Publisher: Imprenta de la sucesora de M. Minuesa de los Ríos
City: Madrid
Year 1900
Document type:  Catalogs
Subject: Painting
Library: Museo del Prado
Abstract: Catalog of the paintings from the Italian, Spanish, Germanic and French School in the Prado Museum in 1900, in which it stands out the origin of the collections (the palaces of Madrid, the Royal Places and the Trinidad Museum). It includes an artist index.
Id: 530


  Catálogo provisional del Museo de Arte Moderno


Publisher: Imprenta del Colegio Nacional de Sordomudos y de Ciegos
City: Madrid
Year 1900
Document type:  Catalogs
Subject: Painting
Library: Museo del Prado
Abstract: Second official edition of this catalog of the Musem of Modern Art (which later became part of the Prado Museum), dedicated to the paintings, watercolors, drawings, prints and sculptures from the same museum.
Id: 529


  Monasterio de Sant Llorens de Munt : memoria descriptiva


Author:  Rogent, Elies, 1821-1897
Publisher: Imprenta de Henrich y Cia
City: Barcelona
Year 1900
Document type:  Studies on buildings
Subject: Architecture
Library: Biblioteca de Catalunya
Abstract: Monograph on the Monastery of Sant Llorenç de Munt: An artistic and historical study featuring drawings of the ground plan, elevation, sections, and architectural details. Published by the professional institution, the Catalan Association of Architects, it promotes the study of architectural heritage through research conducted by the association members. The preliminary text is authored by Bonaventura Bassegoda i Amigó.
Id: 46





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