Records: 3
Search > Author: Piferrer, Pau, 1818-1848
Author: Piferrer, Pau, 1818-1848
; Pi i Margall, Francesc, 1824-1901
Publisher: Daniel Cortezo y Cía.
City: Barcelona Year 1884
Document type: Essays and studies
Subject: Art (general)
Library: Biblioteca del Banco de España
Abstract: Second volume dedicated to Catalonia and its monuments written by Pau Piferrer and Francesc Pi i Margall in 1884 within the collection ''España sus monumentos y artes, su naturaleza e historia'(Spain its monuments and arts, its nature and history). It contains photogravures and heliographies by Laurent, Joarizti and Mariezcurrena, trading cards by Casals and Xumetra and pen drawings by Brugada, Gómez Soler, Oms and Pascó.
Id: 1560
Author: Piferrer, Pau, 1818-1848
Publisher: Imp. de Joaquín Verdaguer
City: Barcelona Year 1839 - 1865
Document type: Essays and studies
Subject: Art (general)
Library: Biblioteca Nacional de España
Abstract: Recuerdos y Bellezas de España (1839-1865) is considered one of the most emblematic artistic publications in the 19th century. Originally published in Barcelona by the printing house of Joaquin Verdaguer. Then it was printed in different cities.
The first two volumes are written by Pablo Piferrer, while the others by José María Quadrado, Pedro de Madrazo and Francisco Pi y Margall.
The precious lithographic prints that decorate the publication were made according to the original drawings of Francisco Javier Parcerisa (1803-1876) who also draw them on the stone.
The represented subjects are landscapes, architecture and the most outstanding art treasures of different regions of Spain for each of the volumes of the publication. The titles: Vol. 1. Principado de Cataluña (2 v.); Vol. 2. Mallorca ; Vol. 3. Aragón / by José María Quadrado; Vol. 4. Castilla la Nueva / J. M. Quadrado (2 v.) ; Vol. 5. Reino de Granada : comprende las provincias de Jaén, Granada, Málaga y Almería / F. Pi y Margall ; Vol. 6. Córdoba / P. de Madrazo ; Vol. 7. Asturias y León / J. M. Quadrado ; Vol. 8. Sevilla y Cádiz / P. de Madrazo ; Vol. 9. Valladolid, Palencia y Zamora / José M. Quadrado ; Vol. 10. Salamanca, Ávila y Segovia / J. M. Quadrado.
Id: 618