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Search > Year: 1884
  España : sus monumentos y artes, su naturaleza e historia. Salamanca, Ávila y Segovia


Author:  Quadrado, José María, 1819-1896
Publisher: Daniel Cortezo y Cía.
City: Barcelona
Year 1884
Document type:  Essays and studies
Subject: Art (general)
Library: Biblioteca del Banco de España
Abstract: Study on Salamanca, Ávila and Segovia and their monuments written by José M. Quadrado in 1884 within the collection 'España sus monumentos y artes - su naturaleza é historia' (Spain its monuments and arts - its nature and history). It contains clichés by Laurent, engravings by Meisenbach, heliographies by Bruckmann, trading cards by Xumetra and pen drawings by Brugada and Pascó.
Id: 1566



  España : sus monumentos y artes, su naturaleza e historia. Sevilla y Cadiz


Author:  Madrazo y Künzt, Pedro de, 1816-1898
Publisher: Daniel Cortezo y Cía.
City: Barcelona
Year 1884
Document type:  Essays and studies
Subject: Art (general)
Library: Biblioteca del Banco de España
Abstract: Study on Seville and Cadiz and its monuments written by Pedro de Madrazo in 1884 within the collection 'España sus monumentos y artes, su naturaleza e historia'(Spain its monuments and arts, its nature and history). It contains photogravures and heliographies by Laurent, Joarizti and Mariezcurrena, trading cards by Casals and pen drawings by Gómez Soler.
Id: 1561


  España : sus monumentos y artes, su naturaleza e historia. Cataluña-II


Author:  Piferrer, Pau, 1818-1848 ; Pi i Margall, Francesc, 1824-1901
Publisher: Daniel Cortezo y Cía.
City: Barcelona
Year 1884
Document type:  Essays and studies
Subject: Art (general)
Library: Biblioteca del Banco de España
Abstract: Second volume dedicated to Catalonia and its monuments written by Pau Piferrer and Francesc Pi i Margall in 1884 within the collection ''España sus monumentos y artes, su naturaleza e historia'(Spain its monuments and arts, its nature and history). It contains photogravures and heliographies by Laurent, Joarizti and Mariezcurrena, trading cards by Casals and Xumetra and pen drawings by Brugada, Gómez Soler, Oms and Pascó.
Id: 1560


  España : sus monumentos y artes, su naturaleza e historia. Cataluña-I


Author:  Piferrer, Pau, 1818-1848 ; Pi i Margall, Francesc, 1824-1901
Publisher: Daniel Cortezo y Cía.
City: Barcelona
Year 1884
Document type:  Essays and studies
Subject: Art (general)
Library: Biblioteca del Banco de España
Abstract: First volume dedicated to Catalonia and its monuments written by Pau Piferrer and Francesc Pi i Margall in 1884 within the collection ''España sus monumentos y artes, su naturaleza e historia'(Spain its monuments and arts, its nature and history). It contains photogravures and heliographies by Laurent, Joarizti and Mariezcurrena, trading cards by Casals and Xumetra and pen drawings by Gómez Soler.
Id: 1559


  España : sus monumentos y artes, su naturaleza e historia. Córdoba


Author:  Madrazo y Künzt, Pedro de, 1816-1898
Publisher: Daniel Cortezo y Cía.
City: Barcelona
Year 1884
Document type:  Essays and studies
Subject: Art (general)
Library: Biblioteca del Banco de España
Abstract: Study on Córdoba and the art of the city. Written by Pedro de Madrazo in 1884 within the collection 'España sus monumentos y artes, su naturaleza e historia'(Spain its monuments and arts, its nature and history). It contains photogravures and heliographies by Laurent, Joarizti and Mariezcurrena, trading cards by Casals and pen drawings by Gómez Soler.
Id: 1558


  Guía ilustrada de la villa y puerto de Gijón idea general de su nacimiento fabril y colección de vistas sacadas al natural


Author:  Martínez, Nemesio, 1847-1916
City: Gijón
Year 1884
Document type:  Album
Subject: Engraving
Library: Real Instituto de Estudios Asturianos
Abstract: Album of engravings depicting different aspects of the city.
Id: 1471



  De Palencia a Oviedo y Gijón Langreo, Trubia y Caldas


Author:  Becerro de Bengoa, Ricardo
Publisher: Imp. y lit. de Alonso y Z. Menéndez
City: Palencia
Year 1884
Document type:  Guides and Travel guides
Subject: Art (general)
Library: Museo Arqueológico de Asturias
Abstract: Description of the trip from Palencia to Oviedo.
Id: 1466



  Ara inscripcional de Santa María de Naranco (Asturias)


Author:  Canella y Secades, Fermín
City: Oviedo
Year 1884
Document type:  Essays and studies
Subject: Architecture
Library: Real Instituto de Estudios Asturianos
Abstract: Publication of the Provincial Commission of Historical and Artistic Monuments of Oviedo.
Id: 1454



  Pedro Millán: ensayo biográfico- crítico


Author:  Gestoso y Pérez, José, 1852-1917
City: Sevilla
Year 1884
Document type:  Studies on artists
Subject: Sculpture
Library: Biblioteca de la Universidad de Sevilla
Abstract: Study on the sculptor Pedro Millán, who worked between the second half of the 15th century and the beginning of the 16th century.
Id: 1437



  Relaciones entre el arte y la industria


Author:  García Arenal, Fernando (1852-1925)
Publisher: Imp. de Fortanet
City: Madrid
Year 1884
Document type:  Treatises
Subject: Art (general)
Library: Biblioteca Virtual de la Real Academia de Jurisprudencia y Legislación
Abstract: Treatise about the relationship between industry and art and the influence of aesthetics on industrial production.
Id: 1410



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