Records: 57
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Library: Biblioteca de Castilla y León
Author: Agapito y Revilla, Juan, 1867-1944
Publisher: Imp. E. Zapatero
City: Valladolid Year 1935
Document type: Treatises
Subject: Art (general)
Library: Biblioteca de Castilla y León
Abstract: Juan Agapito Revilla wrote about the art of Valladolid, issues that were previously published in magazines, newsletters, conferences and journals, such as the ones in this volume: "Berruguete Pintor", "El escultor Jerónimo del Corral", "Un proyecto de palacio real en Valladolid en el siglo XVI", "Un lienzo de Antonio Moro", "Olivares de Duero y su magno retablo de pintura" and "El colegio mayor de Santa Cruz de Valladolid".
Id: 590
Author: Huidobro Serna, Luciano, 1874-1958
Publisher: Tipografía del Colegio Santiago
City: Valladolid Year 1916
Document type: Essays and studies
Subject: Sculpture
Library: Biblioteca de Castilla y León
Abstract: Study on Visigothic art in Castile by Luciano Huidobro Serna, member of several academies and the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando.
The work describes the carved sarcophagi in the monasteries of San Pedro de Arlanza, San Pedro de Cardena, the Palace of Benavente, Santo Domingo de Silos, Nuestra Señora la Blanca, San Cristobal de Villadiego, Santa Maria de Tardajos and Santa Maria la Real de Huelgas. It contains photographs and drawings of the monuments.
Id: 589
Publisher: Instituto Diego de Colmenares
City: Segovia Year 1955
Document type: Catalogs
Subject: Art (general)
Library: Biblioteca de Castilla y León
Abstract: Catalog of the fourth exhibition of ancient art held in Segovia in 1951 to commemorate the fifth centenary of the Catholic Kings. The preliminary study by Luis Felipe de Peñalonga precedes the catalog by Manuela Villalpando. The objects and documents are classified into: archival documents, manuscripts, incunable books, books, fine arts, various objects and bindings.
Id: 588
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