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  Cosas vallisoletanas de arte e historia


Author:  Agapito y Revilla, Juan, 1867-1944
Publisher: Imp. E. Zapatero
City: Valladolid
Year 1935
Document type:  Treatises
Subject: Art (general)
Library: Biblioteca de Castilla y León
Abstract: Juan Agapito Revilla wrote about the art of Valladolid, issues that were previously published in magazines, newsletters, conferences and journals, such as the ones in this volume: "Berruguete Pintor", "El escultor Jerónimo del Corral", "Un proyecto de palacio real en Valladolid en el siglo XVI", "Un lienzo de Antonio Moro", "Olivares de Duero y su magno retablo de pintura" and "El colegio mayor de Santa Cruz de Valladolid".
Id: 590


  Contribución al estudio del arte visigótico en Castilla


Author:  Huidobro Serna, Luciano, 1874-1958
Publisher: Tipografía del Colegio Santiago
City: Valladolid
Year 1916
Document type:  Essays and studies
Subject: Sculpture
Library: Biblioteca de Castilla y León
Abstract: Study on Visigothic art in Castile by Luciano Huidobro Serna, member of several academies and the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando. The work describes the carved sarcophagi in the monasteries of San Pedro de Arlanza, San Pedro de Cardena, the Palace of Benavente, Santo Domingo de Silos, Nuestra Señora la Blanca, San Cristobal de Villadiego, Santa Maria de Tardajos and Santa Maria la Real de Huelgas. It contains photographs and drawings of the monuments.
Id: 589


  Conmemoración del V Centenario de los Reyes Católicos : IV exposición de arte antiguo (1951)


Publisher: Instituto Diego de Colmenares
City: Segovia
Year 1955
Document type:  Catalogs
Subject: Art (general)
Library: Biblioteca de Castilla y León
Abstract: Catalog of the fourth exhibition of ancient art held in Segovia in 1951 to commemorate the fifth centenary of the Catholic Kings. The preliminary study by Luis Felipe de Peñalonga precedes the catalog by Manuela Villalpando. The objects and documents are classified into: archival documents, manuscripts, incunable books, books, fine arts, various objects and bindings.
Id: 588


  La Colección prehistórica del Real Colegio de Alfonso XII de el Escorial


Author:  Morán Bardón, César, 1882-1951
Publisher: Imp. del Real Monasterio
City: El Escorial
Year 1930
Document type:  Catalogs
Subject: Archaeology
Library: Biblioteca de Castilla y León
Abstract: Catalogue of the collection of prehistoric utensils preserved by the Royal College of Alfonso XII at El Escorial.
Id: 587


  Catálogo monumental de España. Provincia de Salamanca (1901 - 1903)


Author:  Gómez-Moreno, Manuel, 1870-1970
Publisher: Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, Servicio Nacional de Información Artística
City: Madrid
Year 1967
Document type:  Catalogs
Subject: Architecture
Library: Biblioteca de Castilla y León
Abstract: Monumental catalogue of the province of Salamanca written by Manuel Gómez-Moreno in 1901-1903, and published in 1967 in two volumes. The first examines the artistic expressions of the province classified into early period, Roman, Visigothic, Muslim and Jewish, Romanesque, Gothic and Renaissance. The second volume contains an index of the photographs of the monuments described.
Id: 586


  Catálogo monumental de España. Provincia de Zamora: (1903-1905)


Author:  Gómez-Moreno, Manuel, 1870-1970
Publisher: Ministerio de Instrucción Pública y Bellas Artes
City: Madrid
Year 1927
Document type:  Catalogs
Subject: Architecture
Library: Biblioteca de Castilla y León
Abstract: Monumental catalog of the province of Zamora written by Manuel Gómez-Moreno and published in two volumes in 1927. The first volume presents the study of the artistic expressions of Zamora classified as early period, Roman, Visigoth, Moorish, Romanesque, Gothic and Renaissance. The second volume contains an index of the places described and photographs, maps and details about each of the monuments.
Id: 585


  Catálogo monumental de España. Provincia de León: (1906-1908)


Author:  Gómez-Moreno, Manuel, 1870-1970
Publisher: Ministerio de Instrucción Pública y Bellas Artes
City: Madrid
Year 1925-1926
Document type:  Catalogs
Subject: Architecture
Library: Biblioteca de Castilla y León
Abstract: Monumental catalogue of the province of León written by Manuel Gómez-Moreno 'patriarch of the Spanish archaeology', published in 1925-1926 in two volumes. The first examines the artistic manifestations of the province of León classified into primitive, Roman, Visigoth and Mozarabic period. Contains an index of cities, artists and characters studied. The second presents an index of places and photos of each of the monuments.
Id: 584


  Catálogo de obras artísticas que posee la excelentísima corporación en el Palacio Provincial


Publisher: Diputación Provincial
City: Zamora
Year 19--?
Document type:  Catalogs
Subject: Collecting
Library: Biblioteca de Castilla y León
Abstract: Catalogue of the works exhibited in the halls of the palace of the Diputación de Zamora.
Id: 583


  Breve noticia de algunas antigüedades de la ciudad y provincia de Zamora


Author:  Garnacho, Tomás María
Publisher: Imprenta y Litografía de José Gutiérrez
City: Zamora
Year 1878
Document type:  Essays and studies
Subject: Art (general)
Library: Biblioteca de Castilla y León
Abstract: Study written by Tomas Maria Garnacho, Vice President of the 'Comisión de Monumentos Históricos y Artísticos de Zamora'. The work studies the main monuments of the province of Zamora analyzing the Roman remains, the invasion of the Arabs, churches of the 12th century, the cathedral and monasteries disappeared. The text is illustrated with lithographs by M. Fernández in Madrid.
Id: 582


  El Arte rupestre en la provincia de León


Author:  Sanz Martínez, Julián
Publisher: V. H. Sanz Calleja
City: Madrid
Year 1920?
Document type:  Essays and studies
Subject: Prehistoric Art
Library: Biblioteca de Castilla y León
Abstract: Handbook of cave art in the province of León analyzing three artistic sets. The first one are the caves of 'El castro' located in the town of Villasabariego. The second corresponds to the caves of the 'cuesta de Santa Marina' located in Villacontilde. And the third is studying the caves of 'Valle de Mansilla'.
Id: 579


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