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  Imitaciones y repeticiones de cuadros


Author:  Quintero Atauri, Pelayo , 1867-1946
Publisher: Salvador Repeto
City: Cadiz
Year 1935
Document type:  Essays and studies
Subject: Art (general)
Library: Fundació Amatller
Abstract: Compilation of articles on imitation paintings from the 15th century onwards. Published in the Bulletin of the Museum of Fine Arts in Cádiz.
Id: 1739



  Bernat Serra : Pintor de Tortosa i Morella


Author:  Sánchez Gozalbo, Ángel, 1894-1986
Publisher: Fill de J. Armengot
City: Castelló
Year 1935
Document type:  Studies on artists
Subject: Biographies of artists
Library: Fundació Amatller
Abstract: Study on the Gothic painter Bernat Serra written by Ángel Sánchez Gozalbo in 1935. With prints.
Id: 1603



  Monografia de la Ermita de la Mare de Déu del Roser de Vallmoll


Author:  Pinyes, Ramon
Publisher: Gràfiques Moncunill
City: Valls
Year 1935
Document type:  Essays and studies
Subject: Ecclesiastic heritage
Library: Col·lecció particular
Abstract: Study on the hermitage of the Roser de Vallmoll written in 1935 by Ramon Pinyes, rector of the aforementioned town. It contains the joys of the Virgin of the Roser and also photographs of the sanctuary.
Id: 1579



  Exposició venda de quadros antics procedents de la important col·lecció espanyola C. Hidalgo Lázaro


Publisher: Galeries Laietanes
City: Barcelona
Year 1935
Document type:  Catalogs
Subject: Painting
Library: Col·lecció particular
Abstract: Catalogue of the exhibition of antique paintings from the collection of C. Hidalgo held in February 1935 at the Galeries Laietanes. It contains prints and the conditions of sale of the exhibited works.
Id: 1530


  La Seu de Tarragona :notes històriques sobre la construcció, el tresor, els artistes, els capitulars


Author:  Capdevila, Sanç (1883-1932)
Publisher: Biblioteca Balmes
City: Barcelona
Year 1935
Document type:  Studies on buildings
Subject: Architecture
Library: Biblioteca Nacional de España
Abstract: Study on the cathedral of Tarragona, organized in the following chapters: the first times, the construction and conservation of the Cathedral, data on the treasure, data on artists, and the Cathedral. It is accompanied by several lists of canons, treasurers, and other charges.
Id: 986



  Catàleg de la col·lecció Maria Regordosa de Torres Reina exhibida per Amics dels Museus de Catalunya al Museu de les Arts Decoratives del 2 al 30 de juny del 1935


Author:  Regordosa de Torres Reina, Maria ; Junta de Museus de Barcelona; Museu de les Arts Decoratives (Barcelona, Catalunya)
Publisher: Junta de Museos de Barcelona
City: Barcelona
Year 1935
Document type:  Catalogs
Subject: Collecting
Library: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Abstract: Comprehensive catalogue featuring the Maria Regordosa collection, showcased at the Museum of Decorative Arts in 1935. The collection encompasses a diverse array of sections, including jewels, combs, fans, upholstery, furniture, and regional costumes of Spain. The catalogue is enriched with images capturing the exquisite works on display.
Id: 865



  Cosas vallisoletanas de arte e historia


Author:  Agapito y Revilla, Juan, 1867-1944
Publisher: Imp. E. Zapatero
City: Valladolid
Year 1935
Document type:  Treatises
Subject: Art (general)
Library: Biblioteca de Castilla y León
Abstract: Juan Agapito Revilla wrote about the art of Valladolid, issues that were previously published in magazines, newsletters, conferences and journals, such as the ones in this volume: "Berruguete Pintor", "El escultor Jerónimo del Corral", "Un proyecto de palacio real en Valladolid en el siglo XVI", "Un lienzo de Antonio Moro", "Olivares de Duero y su magno retablo de pintura" and "El colegio mayor de Santa Cruz de Valladolid".
Id: 590


  El Arte gótico en España : arquitectura, escultura, pintura


Author:  Lozoya, Marques de, 1893-1978
Publisher: Labor
City: Barcelona
Year 1935
Document type:  Treatises
Subject: Art (general)
Library: Biblioteca de Castilla y León
Abstract: Book written by Juan de Contreras y López de Ayala, Marqués de Lozoya (1893-1978), professor of art history at the University of Valencia in collaboration with L. F. de Peñalosa. The study analizes the Spanish Gothic art focusing on architecture, sculpture and painting. It contains illustrations and photographs.
Id: 575


  Ribalta : publicació mensual d'art


Publisher: El Turia
City: València
Year 1935
Document type:  Journals
Subject: Art (general)
Library: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Abstract: Art journal published in Valencia in 1935.
Id: 387



  Lleis històriques de la vida dels estils arquitectònics


Author:  Puig i Cadafalch, Josep, 1867-1956
Publisher: Unió Interacadèmica
City: Barcelona
Year 1935
Document type:  Conferences
Subject: Architecture
Library: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Abstract: Speech delivered by the architect Josep Puig i Cadafalch at the Catalan Academy of Fine Arts of Saint George on the occasion of the fourth party of Unió Interacadèmica held at the Llotja in April 1935. The theme of the speech is architecture.
Id: 181



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