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Tornar Volver
Search > Year: 1797
  El Museo pictorico, y escala óptica : práctica de la pintura, en que se trata del modo de pintar a el olio


Author:  Palomino de Castro y Velasco, Antonio, 1655-1726
Publisher: Imprenta de Antonio Sancha
City: Madrid
Year 1797
Document type:  Treatises
Subject: Painting
Library: Biblioteca Regional de Madrid
Abstract: Treatise on painting written by Antonio Palomino and published in Madrid in 1797. Contains chalcographic prints, signed as "J. Paloma. Sculp. Ma.ti.".
Id: 434



  Obras de D. Antonio Rafael Mengs, primer pintor de Cámara del Rey / publicadas por Don Joseph Nicolas de Azara


Author:  Mengs, Anton Raphael, 1728-1779
Publisher: Imprenta Real : siendo regente Don Pedro Julian Pereyra
City: Madrid
Year 1797
Document type:  Studies on artists
Subject: Painting
Library: Biblioteca Valenciana. Colección: BV Fondo antiguo
Abstract: Monograph on the painter Anton Raphael Mengs (1728-1779) published in Madrid by José Nicolás de Azara (from 1730 to 1803). It contains an engraved portrait of the artist.
Id: 309





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