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Search > Year: 1884
  Cartuja de Montalegre


Author:  Fossas Pi, Modesto, 1834-1904
Publisher: Tipografía Casa Provincial de Caridad
City: Barcelona
Year 1884
Document type:  Studies on buildings
Subject: Architecture
Library: ETSAB (UPC)
Abstract: Monograph on Montalegre Charterhouse. Historical and artistic study with drawings of the ground plan, the elevation, sections and architectural details.
Published by the professional institution Catalan Association of Architects, promoting architectural heritage through the research carried out by the Association members themselves.
Id: 89



  Monografía de la Seo de Manresa depositaria de las reliquias de los Santos Mártires patronos de la ciudad


Author:  Tamaro, Eduardo, 1845-1889
Publisher: Imprenta de José Abadal
City: Barcelona
Year 1884
Document type:  Treatises
Subject: Architecture
Library: Universitat de Barcelona
Abstract: Monograph on the Seu de Manresa in the format of a descriptive historical artistic report illustrated with drawings of the ground plan, the elevation, sections and architectural details. Vol. 2 of the book: Certámen literario-musical celebrado en la ciudad de Manresa el dia 1º de setiembre de 1883 por la Administracion de los Santos Mártires patronos de la misma.
Id: 86


  Catálogo de los objetos que figuran en la exposición de artes industriales con aplicación al decorado de habitaciones inaugurada en 16 de diciembre de 1884


Publisher: Imprenta de Jaime Jepús
City: Barcelona
Year 1884
Document type:  Catalogs
Subject: Decorative arts
Library: Biblioteca de Catalunya
Abstract: Catalogue of the exhibition of interior decoration, organised by the Instituto de Fomento del Trabajo Nacional. Divided into sections: drawings and embroidery, fabrics, rugs, bronzes, furniture, galleries and brackets, works of marble, tiles and mosaics, and ceramics.
Id: 34



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