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Search > Year: 1902
  Nocions de arqueología sagrada catalana


Author:  Gudiol i Cunill, Josep, 1872-1931
Publisher: Imp. de la Viuda de R. Anglada
City: Vic
Year 1902
Document type:  Essays and studies
Subject: Archaeology
Library: Biblioteca Nacional de España
Abstract: Study on Catalan archaeology and in particular in Christian archaeology, with the following parts: basic concepts of archaeology, proto-history and Greek, Roman, Roman-Christian, Latin-Visigothic, Romanesque and Gothic antiquities, and Renaissance.
Id: 1037



  Catálogo de la Exposición Nacional de Retratos


Publisher: Casa Ed. Mateu
City: Madrid
Year 1902
Document type:  Catalogs
Subject: Portraits
Library: Biblioteca Nacional de España
Abstract: Catalogue of portraits organized by exhibitors. The person portrayed, the material used, sizes and the author are specified for each of the 1675 portraits. There is an index of people portrayed and 33 prints.
Id: 932


  L'Excursionisme y l'arqueologia : conferència llegida en la vetllada del dis 17 de Janer[sic] 1902 celebrada en el Centre Excursionista de Catalunya


Author:  Gudiol i Cunill, Josep, 1872-1931
Publisher: Tipologia L'Avenç
City: Barcelona
Year 1902
Document type:  Conferences
Subject: Archaeology
Library: Col·lecció particular
Abstract: Lecture delivered in 1902, exploring how the passion for hiking in Catalonia can cultivate an appreciation for the archaeology and art of the region.
Id: 638


  Catalogue de la collection de tableaux de feu son Altesse Royale l'Infante Marie Christine de Bourbon


Publisher: Imprenta del Asilo de Huérfanos de S. C. de Jesús
City: Madrid
Year 1902
Document type:  Catalogs
Subject: Collecting
Library: Col·lecció particular
Abstract: Catalogue of the works from the collection of María Cristina de Borbón y Borbón-Dos Sicílias (1833-1902), Infanta of Spain. Married to Infante Sebastian de Borbón y de Braganza (1811-1875), a prominent Carlist, she inherited a significant portion of his art collection upon his death.
Id: 610


  Catálogo ilustrado de la exposición de El Greco : Museo Nacional de Pintura y Escultura


Author:  Viniegra, Salvador
Publisher: J. Lacoste, Sucesor de Laurent, fotógrafo-editor ; Imp. de J. Sastre y Cª
City: Madrid
Year 1902
Document type:  Catalogs
Subject: Painting
Library: Museo del Prado
Abstract: Catalog of paintings of El Greco exhibition held in the Prado Museum in 1902.
Id: 531


  Diccionario biográfico de pintores


Author:  Lira, Pedro, 1845-1912
Publisher: Imprenta, Encuadernación y Litografía Esmeralda
City: Santiago de Xile
Year 1902
Document type:  Dictionary
Subject: Biographies of artists
Library: Biblioteca Nacional de España
Abstract: Dictionary of painters published in Santiago de Chile in 1902.
Id: 402



  Estatuas tumulares de personajes españoles de los siglos XIII al XVII, copiadas de los originales, con texto biográfico y descriptivo con un glosario o tabla de algunos nombres que tuvieron las piezas de vestir y de armadura


Author:  Poleró y Toledo, Vicente, 1824-1911
Publisher: Imprenta de los hijos de M.G. Hernández
City: Madrid
Year 1902
Document type:  Treatises
Subject: Sculpture
Library: Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya. Biblioteca
Abstract: Monograph written by Vicente Poleró y Toledo (1824-1911) on Spanish burial art from the 13th to the 18th century, presenting each tomb with the description and drawing.
Id: 295



  Catálogo de la Exposición de Arte Antiguo


Author:  Bofarull i Sans, Carles de, 1852-1927
Publisher: Reproducciones Artísticas Thomas
City: Barcelona
Year 1902
Document type:  Catalogs
Subject: Art (general)
Library: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Abstract: Catalogue of the ancient art exhibition held in 1902, with painting, sculpture, drawings, enamels, miniatures, tapestries, fabric arts and other luxuries. The exhibition was presented within an institutional framework, emphasizing the historical origins and significance of the exhibited objects.
Id: 74




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