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Search > Publisher: Biblioteca Balmes
  L'art i la moral :conférences donades a la "Biblioteca Balmes"


Author:  Casanovas, Ignasi (1872-1936)
Publisher: Biblioteca Balmes
City: Barcelona
Year 1928
Document type:  Conferences
Subject: Art (general)
Library: Biblioteca Nacional de España
Abstract: Collection of seven lectures on art and morality by different authors.
Id: 988



  La Seu de Tarragona :notes històriques sobre la construcció, el tresor, els artistes, els capitulars


Author:  Capdevila, Sanç (1883-1932)
Publisher: Biblioteca Balmes
City: Barcelona
Year 1935
Document type:  Studies on buildings
Subject: Architecture
Library: Biblioteca Nacional de España
Abstract: Study on the cathedral of Tarragona, organized in the following chapters: the first times, the construction and conservation of the Cathedral, data on the treasure, data on artists, and the Cathedral. It is accompanied by several lists of canons, treasurers, and other charges.
Id: 986





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