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Publisher: E. Zapatero
Author: Agapito y Revilla, Juan, 1867-1944
Publisher: Imp. E. Zapatero
City: Valladolid Year 1935
Document type: Treatises
Subject: Art (general)
Library: Biblioteca de Castilla y León
Abstract: Juan Agapito Revilla wrote about the art of Valladolid, issues that were previously published in magazines, newsletters, conferences and journals, such as the ones in this volume: "Berruguete Pintor", "El escultor Jerónimo del Corral", "Un proyecto de palacio real en Valladolid en el siglo XVI", "Un lienzo de Antonio Moro", "Olivares de Duero y su magno retablo de pintura" and "El colegio mayor de Santa Cruz de Valladolid".
Id: 590
Author: Beroqui, Pedro
Publisher: E. Zapatero
City: Valladolid Year 1918
Document type: Catalogs
Subject: Painting
Library: Museo del Prado
Abstract: Supplement to the "Catálogo descriptivo e histórico del Museo del Prado de Madrid" by Pedro de Madrazo, published in 1872, but from the tenth edition of 1910. Focused on making additions and corrections to the third section, dedicated to the Flemish School.
Id: 540