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  Exposición : el Retrato en el Libro (23-IV-1946) : catálogo


Author:  Rivera Manescau, S.
Publisher: Imp. Martín
City: Valladolid
Year 1946
Document type:  Catalogs
Subject: Books and manuscripts
Library: Fundació Amatller
Abstract: Catalogue of the exhibition on portraits in books. Published in 1946 by the University of Valladolid.
Id: 1617



  V centenario de la imprenta en Barcelona: exposicion documental y bibliografica : catálogo = Vè centenari de la impremta a Barcelona : exposició documental i bibliogràfica : catàleg


Author:  Arxiu de la Corona d'Aragó
Publisher: Imp. Viuda Fidel
City: Barcelona
Year 1975
Document type:  Catalogs
Subject: Books and manuscripts
Library: Col·lecció particular
Abstract: Catalogue of the documentary and bibliographical exhibition organized by the General Archive of the Crown of Aragón to commemorate the fifth centenary of the printing press in Barcelona. Exhibits from the Visigothic period to the 15th century allow to appreciate the evolution of writing.
Id: 1607



  Datos documentales inéditos para la historia del arte español I


Publisher: Imp. de Fortanet
City: Madrid
Year 1914
Document type:  Documentary sources
Subject: Art (general)
Library: Real Academia de Toledo
Abstract: Notes from the archive of the cathedral of Toledo systematically written in the 18th century by the canon Francisco Pérez Sedano. It is volume I and consists of unpublished documentary data.
Id: 1575



  Toledo en la mano, o Descripción histórico-artística de la magnífica catedral y de los demas célebres monumentos : y cosas notables que encierra esta famosa ciudad, antigua corte de España...


Author:  Parro, Sixto Ramón (1812-1868)
Publisher: Imp. de Severiano López Fando
City: Toledo
Year 1857
Document type:  Studies on buildings
Subject: Architecture
Library: Archivo Histórico Provincial de Granada
Abstract: Two-volume work on the Toledo Cathedral, dealing with the history and description of the building and its works of art, as well as the liturgical services. The second volume deals with the remains of the city's religious buildings.
Id: 1510



  Historia de la Santa A. M. Iglesia de Santiago de Compostela


Author:  López Ferreiro, Antonio (1837-1910)
Publisher: Imp. del Seminario Conciliar Central
City: Santiago de Compostela
Year 1898-1911
Document type:  Studies on buildings
Subject: Ecclesiastic heritage
Library: Biblioteca de Castilla y León (Valladolid)
Abstract: Work in eleven volumes with documentary appendices. Historical study on the church from its origins to the 18th century.
Id: 1509



  Compendio del Toledo en la mano, o descripción abreviada de la Iglesia Catedral y demás monumentos y cosas notables que son dignas de la atención de los curiosos en esta célebre ciudad


Author:  Parro, Sixto Ramón (1812-1868)
Publisher: Imp. de Severiano López Fando
City: Toledo
Year 1858
Document type:  Studies on buildings
Subject: Architecture
Library: Biblioteca Nacional de España
Abstract: Study on Toledo with a general historical introduction and the description of the cathedral and the most significant religious and civil buildings in the city.
Id: 1503



  Noticias del pintor asturiano Juan Carreño Miranda


Author:  Canella y Secades, Fermín
Publisher: Imp. y Lib. de A. M. Pruneda
City: Avilés
Year 1870
Document type:  Studies on artists
Subject: Painting
Library: Museo Arqueológico de Asturias
Abstract: Study on the painter Juan Carreño (1614-1685).
Id: 1481



  Memoria sobre el monumental templo de Covadonga : obras ejecutadas hasta la fecha y resultado de la subscripción del año 1892


Publisher: Imp. de Vicente Brid
City: Oviedo
Year 1893
Document type:  Documentary sources
Subject: Conservation and Restoration
Library: Biblioteca de Asturias
Abstract: Report of the works with the names of the patrons.
Id: 1476



  El libro de Oviedo : guía de la ciudad y su concejo


Author:  Canella y Secades, Fermín
Publisher: Imp. de Vicente Brid
City: Oviedo
Year 1887
Document type:  Guides and Travel guides
Subject: Art (general)
Library: Biblioteca de Asturias
Abstract: General guide to the city with sections for streets and types of buildings.
Id: 1474



  Guía de Gijón : datos exactos de todo lo concerniente a esta villa, monumentos, industrias, artes, comercio, dependencias del estado, servicios públicos, etc.


Author:  García Bosquet, José
Publisher: Imp. de A. Carreño
City: Gijón
Year 1891
Document type:  Guides and Travel guides
Subject: Art (general)
Library: Real Instituto de Estudios Asturianos
Abstract: General guide to Gijón divided into sections.
Id: 1468



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