Records: 10
Publisher: Imp. de Vicente Brid City: Oviedo Year 1893 Document type: Documentary sources Subject: Conservation and Restoration Library: Biblioteca de Asturias Abstract: Report of the works with the names of the patrons. Id: 1476
Author: Llano Roza de Ampudia, Aurelio de, 1868-1936 Publisher: Imprenta Gutenberg City: Oviedo Year 1919 Document type: Treatises Subject: Art (general) Library: Biblioteca de Asturias Abstract: Generic book on Caravia divided into geographical environment, history, fieldwork, folklore and customs. Id: 1475
Author: Canella y Secades, Fermín Publisher: Imp. de Vicente Brid City: Oviedo Year 1887 Document type: Guides and Travel guides Subject: Art (general) Library: Biblioteca de Asturias Abstract: General guide to the city with sections for streets and types of buildings. Id: 1474
Author: Fernández Ladreda, Manuel ; Solís de la Huerta, Gumersindo Publisher: Imprenta de Eduardo Uría City: Oviedo Year 1878 Document type: Guides and Travel guides Subject: Art (general) Library: Real Instituto de Estudios Asturianos Abstract: Guide with trips through Asturias. Id: 1465
Author: Oviedo (Provincia). Comisión de Monumentos Históricos y Artísticos City: Oviedo Year 1908 Document type: Documentary sources Subject: Art (general) Library: Museo Arqueológico de Asturias Abstract: Publication of the Provincial Commission of Historical and Artistic Monuments, with information about its organization, museum and library. Id: 1460
Author: Oviedo (Provincia). Comisión de Monumentos Históricos y Artísticos Publisher: Imp. del Hospicio Provincial City: Oviedo Year 1899 Document type: Documentary sources Subject: Conservation and Restoration Library: Museo Arqueológico de Asturias Abstract: Regulations on the conservation and restoration of historical and artistic monuments of Oviedo. Id: 1459
Author: Canella y Secades, Fermín City: Oviedo Year 1884 Document type: Essays and studies Subject: Architecture Library: Real Instituto de Estudios Asturianos Abstract: Publication of the Provincial Commission of Historical and Artistic Monuments of Oviedo. Id: 1454
Author: Oviedo (Provincia). Comisión de Monumentos Históricos y Artísticos Publisher: Imp. del Hospicio Provincial City: Oviedo Year 1899 Document type: Documentary sources Subject: Conservation and Restoration Library: Museo Arqueológico de Asturias Abstract: Legislation on the conservation of monuments. Id: 1390
Author: Miguel Vigil, Ciriaco, 1819-1903 Publisher: Imp. del Hospicio Provincial City: Oviedo Year 1887 Document type: Treatises Subject: Art (general) Library: Biblioteca de Asturias Abstract: Work in two volumes, one of text and one of prints with a collection of epigraphic inscriptions and documents, many of them associated to religious architecture, divided into the city of Oviedo and the towns. Id: 1269
Author: Álvarez Amandi, Justo (1839-1919) Publisher: Imp. Región City: Oviedo Year 1929 Document type: Essays and studies Subject: Architecture Library: Biblioteca Nacional de España Abstract: Revised collection of articles on the Oviedo cathedral published in 'El Carbayón'. At the end there are 25 prints. Id: 940
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