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Search > Publisher: Imp. de Blass
  Catalogo de las tablas de primitivos españoles de la colección de... Doña Trinidad Scholtz-Hermensdorff. Viuda de Iturbe : Exposición de la Real Academia de San Fernando Mayo de 1911


Author:  Tormo y Monzó, Elías, 1869-1957
Publisher: Imp. Artística de José Blass y Cia.
City: Madrid
Year 1911
Document type:  Catalogs
Subject: Painting
Library: Fundació Amatller
Abstract: Catalogue of the exhibition of early Spanish paintings hold in the Academy of San Fernando in Madrid in 1911. The author of the catalogue is the art historian Elias Tormo y Monzó.
Id: 1635



  La obra del arquitecto Manuel Medrano


Author:  Repullés y Vargas, Enrique María (1845-1922)
Publisher: Imp. Artística de José Blass y Cia.
City: Madrid
Year 1907
Document type:  Studies on artists
Subject: Architecture
Library: Biblioteca Nacional de España
Abstract: Study on the work of the architect Manuel Medrano Huetos.
Id: 1148



  Las ruinas de Poblet


Author:  Balaguer, Víctor, 1824-1901 ; Cañete, Manuel (1822-1891)
Publisher: Imp. de Blass
City: Madrid
Year 1885
Document type:  Studies on buildings
Subject: Architecture
Library: Biblioteca Nacional de España
Abstract: Study on the monastery, written on the occasion of an excursion on the way back from the inauguration of the Victor Balaguer Museum in Vilanova. Accompanied by two letters referring to this event. Description of the different areas, funerary monuments, characters, history, archive and library, legends. There is also a chapter on the night of 26 July 1835 in Barcelona.
Id: 958



  Estudio de arqueología cartaginesa :la necrópoli de Ibiza


Author:  Vives y Escudero, Antonio (1859-1925)
Publisher: Imp. de Blass
City: Madrid
Year 1917
Document type:  Essays and studies
Subject: Archaeology
Library: Biblioteca Nacional de España
Abstract: Work with bibliographical references of the Board for the Extension of Scientific Studies and Research, dealing with prehistory, Phoenician art and Carthaginian art. There is a catalogue of architecture and archaeological pieces found in the necropolis, and several drawings of the pieces and coins.
Id: 922



  La Casa de Sorolla


Publisher: Imp. de Blass
City: Madrid
Year 1932
Document type:  Essays and studies
Subject: Painting
Library: Biblioteca Nacional de España
Abstract: Book of speeches by important people from the time, such as Fernando de los Rios, Minister of Public Instruction and Fine Arts, with the presentation of 'La Casa de Sorolla' as a Museum.
Id: 898





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