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Search > Publisher: Imprenta Nacional
  Memoria sobre la creación de un museo arqueológico en la ciudad de Santiago


Author:  Villa-Amil y Castro, José (1833-1910)
Publisher: Imprenta del Colegio Nacional de Sordomudos y de Ciegos
City: Madrid
Year 1887
Document type:  Documentary sources
Subject: Collecting
Library: Real Academia Galega
Abstract: Report on the creation of an archaeological museum in Santiago de Compostela.
Id: 1402



  Memoria sobre la adquisición de objetos de arte y antigüedad en las provincias de Aragón con destino al Museo Arqueológico Nacional


Author:  Savirón y Esteban, Paulino, n. 1827
Publisher: Imprenta del Colegio Nacional de Sordomudos y de Ciegos
City: Madrid
Year 1971
Document type:  Documentary sources
Subject: Archaeology
Library: Museo Arqueológico Nacional
Abstract: List of acquisitions organized by the origin of the pieces.
Id: 1310



  Discursos leídos ante la Real Academia de Nobles Artes de San Fernando, en la recepción pública del Excmo. Sr. D. José María Huet, leído en Junta Pública de 6 de mayo de 1866


Author:  Huet, José María ; Real Academia de Nobles Artes de San Fernando
Publisher: Imprenta del Colegio Nacional de Sordomudos y de Ciegos
City: Sevilla
Year 1866
Document type:  Conferences
Subject: Painting
Library: Biblioteca de Andalucía
Abstract: Speech on the Sevillian school of painting and the answer of Pedro de Madrazo.
Id: 1254



  El arte latino bizantino en España y las coronas visigodas de Guarrazar : ensayo histórico-crítico


Author:  Amador de los Ríos Serrano, José, 1816-1878
Publisher: Imprenta Nacional
City: Madrid
Year 1861
Document type:  Essays and studies
Subject: Books and manuscripts
Library: Biblioteca Virtual de Andalucía
Abstract: Study on Byzantine Latin art in Spain and the Visigothic Crowns of Guarrazar, written by J. Amador de los Ríos and published in 1861.
Id: 781



  Catálogo de las obras de pintura, escultura, arquitectura, grabado y litografía presentadas en la Exposición General de Bellas Artes, verificada en las galerias del Ministerio de Fomento desde el 20 de mayo de 1856


Author:  Exposición Nacional de Bellas Artes
Publisher: Imprenta Nacional
City: Madrid
Year 1856
Document type:  Catalogs
Subject: Art (general)
Library: Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya. Biblioteca
Abstract: Catalogue featuring paintings, sculptures, architecture, and engravings displayed at the National Exhibition of Fine Arts held in Madrid in 1856.
Id: 701


  Catálogo provisional del Museo de Arte Moderno


Publisher: Imprenta del Colegio Nacional de Sordomudos y de Ciegos
City: Madrid
Year 1900
Document type:  Catalogs
Subject: Painting
Library: Museo del Prado
Abstract: Second official edition of this catalog of the Musem of Modern Art (which later became part of the Prado Museum), dedicated to the paintings, watercolors, drawings, prints and sculptures from the same museum.
Id: 529


  Catálogo de los cuadros que existen colocados en el Real Museo del Prado


Author:  Eusebi, Luis, m. 1829
Publisher: Imprenta Nacional
City: Madrid
Year 1821
Document type:  Catalogs
Subject: Painting
Library: Museo del Prado
Abstract: Catalogue of paintings from the Spanish School (with artists such as Murillo, Ribera, Zurbarán, Velázquez and Goya) and the Italian School (with Titian, Reni, Tintoretto, Veronese and Bellini) in the Prado Museum in 1821, with comments by Luis Eusebi.
Id: 508


  Ensayo sobre las diferentes escuelas de pintura


Author:  Eusebi, Luis, m. 1829
Publisher: Madrid : Imprenta Nacional
City: Madrid
Year 1822
Document type:  Treatises
Subject: Painting
Library: Biblioteca de Catalunya
Abstract: Theoretical treatise on the art of painting from the general principles to the Flemish, Dutch and Spanish schools. Written by Luis Eusebio (? -1829) and published in Madrid in 1822.
Id: 249





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