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Search > Publisher: Imprenta Real
  Real Provision de los Señores del Consejo, por la qual se manda guardar lo dispuesto en las Reales Ordenes que se refieren sobre los requisitos que han de concurrir en los arquitectos y maestros de obras...


Publisher: Imprenta Real
City: Madrid
Year 1801
Document type:  Legal Documentation
Subject: Architecture
Library: Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Abstract: Rgulatory requirements for architects in public works notified by the king Carlos IV in 1801.
Id: 416


  Varia comensuración de... natural de León y Escultor de Oro y Plata. Nueva edición corregida, aumentada y mejorada con estampas finas...


Author:  Arfe y Villafañe, Juan de, 1535-1602
Publisher: Imprenta Real
City: Madrid
Year 1806
Document type:  Treatises
Subject: Art (general)
Library: -
Abstract: Theoretical treatise written by Juan Arfe Villafane and reissued in two volumes in Madrid in 1806. The book is divided into various books or subjects, including: architecture, geometry, sundials and sculpture.
Id: 411



  Viage artístico á varios pueblos de España. T. I, Viage á Segovia, Valladolid y Búrgos : con el juicio de las obras de las tres nobles artes que en ellos existen y épocas á que pertenecen ...


Author:  Bosarte, Isidoro
Publisher: Imprenta Real
City: Madrid
Year 1804
Document type:  Guides and Travel guides
Subject: Art (general)
Library: Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Abstract: Study of the artistic treasures of Segovia, Valladolid and Burgos. Published in Madrid in 1804, only the first volume was published.
Id: 408



  Invectiva contra el luxo, su profanidad y excesos por medio de propias reflexiones que persuaden su inutilidad


Author:  Rojo de Flores, Felipe
Publisher: Imprenta Real
City: Madrid
Year 1794
Document type:  Treatises
Subject: Costume
Library: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Abstract: Study on Mrs. Maria Josepha Alfonso Pimentel, Countess of Benavente, written by Felipe Rojo de Flores and published in Madrid by the Royal Press in 1794. It deals with the news related to clothings from various nations throughout history, especially in Spain.
Id: 329



  Obras de D. Antonio Rafael Mengs, primer pintor de Cámara del Rey / publicadas por Don Joseph Nicolas de Azara


Author:  Mengs, Anton Raphael, 1728-1779
Publisher: Imprenta Real : siendo regente Don Pedro Julian Pereyra
City: Madrid
Year 1797
Document type:  Studies on artists
Subject: Painting
Library: Biblioteca Valenciana. Colección: BV Fondo antiguo
Abstract: Monograph on the painter Anton Raphael Mengs (1728-1779) published in Madrid by José Nicolás de Azara (from 1730 to 1803). It contains an engraved portrait of the artist.
Id: 309



  Viage literario a las iglesias de España


Author:  Villanueva, Jaime, 1765-1824
Publisher: Imprenta de la Real Academia de la Historia
City: Madrid
Year 1803-1852
Document type:  Studies on buildings
Subject: Ecclesiastic heritage
Library: Biblioteca Nacional de España
Abstract: Study on the churches of Spain, written by Joaquín Lorenzo Villanueva from Volume 1 to 5, and by Jaime Villanueva from 6 to 22. According to the place of printing, from V. 6 to 10 the work was published by Valencia Oliveres Printing and from 11 to 22 in Madrid, by the Royal Academy of History Printing. It contains engraved intaglio prints. 
Id: 275



  Carta histórico-artística sobre el edificio de la Lonja de Mallorca que escribió en 1807 Gaspar de Jovellanos


Author:  Jovellanos, Gaspar Melchor de, 1744-1811
Publisher: Imprenta Real regentada por Juan Guasp y Pascual
City: Palma de Mallorca
Year 1835
Document type:  Studies on buildings
Subject: Architecture
Library: Biblioteca Pública del Estado Jovellanos (Gijón)
Abstract: Study on the Llotja of Palma de Mallorca published in 1835.
Id: 261



  Historia del luxo y de las leyes suntuarias de España


Author:  Sempere y Guarinos, Juan
Publisher: Imprenta Real
City: Madrid
Year 1788
Document type:  Treatises
Subject: Art (general)
Library: Biblioteca de Catalunya
Abstract: Monograph published in Madrid in 1788.
Id: 250



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