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Search > Publisher: Montaner y Simón (Impremta)
  Historia y arquitectura del Monasterio de Poblet


Author:  Domènech i Montaner, Lluís, 1850-1923
Publisher: Montaner y Simón (Impremta)
City: Barcelona
Year 1928
Document type:  Studies on buildings
Subject: Ecclesiastic heritage
Library: Fundació Amatller
Abstract: Monograph on the monastery of Poblet written by the architect and historian Lluís Domènech i Montaner in 1928.
Id: 1731



  La Virgen del Vinyet (Sitges)


Author:  Ferrando Roig, Juan
Publisher: Montaner y Simón (Impremta)
City: Barcelona
Year 1941
Document type:  Essays and studies
Subject: Ecclesiastic heritage
Library: Fundació Amatller
Abstract: Study on the Virgin of the Vinyet in the sanctuary of Sitges, written by J. Ferrando Roig in 1941. It includes photographs and also the verses in honour of the Virgin.
Id: 1592



  La Ilustración española y americana


Publisher: Montaner y Simón (Impremta)
City: Madrid
Year 1869-1901
Document type:  Journals
Subject: Art (general)
Library: CSIC. Biblioteca del Instituto de Historia
Abstract: Published in Madrid from 1869 to 1901, it was the continuation of Universal Museum (1857-1869). During the first year it came out twice a month and later weekly.
Id: 205



  La Ilustración artística


Publisher: Montaner y Simón (Impremta)
City: Barcelona
Year 1882-1916
Document type:  Journals
Subject: Art (general)
Library: Ateneo de Madrid
Abstract: Published weekly between 1882 and 1916 by Montaner y Simon in Barcelona. 
Id: 204



  Historia General del Arte : escrita e ilustrada en vista de los monumentos y de la mejores obras publicadas hasta el día


Author:  Domènech i Montaner, Lluís, 1850-1923
Publisher: Montaner y Simón (Impremta)
City: Barcelona
Year 1886-1901
Document type:  Encyclopedia
Subject: Art (general)
Library: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Abstract: Encyclopedia of Art History published by Montaner y Simón between 1886 and 1901. Eight volumes illustrated with chromolithographs.
Vol. 1 Domenech i Muntaner, Lluis. ARCHITECTURE, 1886 / Vol. 2 Puig i Cadafalch, Josep. ARCHITECTURE, 1901 / Vol. 3 Domenech i Muntaner, Lluis - Puig i Cadafalch, Josep. ARCHITECTURE, 1901 / Vol. 4 Fontanals del Castillo, Joaquin. PAINTING and SCULPTURE, 1895 / Vol. 5 Cajal and Pueyo, Federico. ORNAMENTATION, 1897 / Vol. 6 Hottenroth, Federico. History of COSTUME, weapons, jewelry, furniture, ceramics, farm implements, etc., 1893 / Vol. 7 Hottenroth, Federico. History of COSTUME, weapons, jewelry, furniture, ceramics, farm implements, etc., 1893 / Vol. 8 Garcia Llansó, Antonio / Miquel i Badia, Francesc. FURNITURE, EMBROIDERED FABRIC and TAPESTRY, 1897.
Id: 79


  Catálogo general ilustrado de la primera exposición de acuarelas, dibujos, pinturas al óleo y esculturas...


Publisher: Montaner y Simón (Impremta)
City: Barcelona
Year 1885
Document type:  Catalogs
Subject: Decorative arts
Library: Biblioteca Museu Víctor Balaguer
Abstract: Catalogue of the inaugural exhibition at the Martorell Museum by the Society of Painters in Watercolours in Barcelona. Enhanced with photographs showcasing watercolors, drawings, paintings, and sculptures.
Id: 17




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